With so much going on collectively right now post solar eclipse having to do with amplified dream space and vivid images swarming the minds-eye, I thought you might enjoy a quick, easy, yet effect herbal tea that aids in the clairvoyance ability. This tea is simple, only four ingredients, but very effect. It is loaded with herbs that are pretty potent metaphysically by themselves and paired together make for an unmistakable mind's-eye awakening. Now, herbs effect everyone differently so be mindful when ingesting anything new. This tea can be taken before bed to help elicit a vivid dream state or before a meditation session to calm and open the mind and the mind's-eye. This tea is not to be used in place of good solid practice or mindfulness with our abilities or intuition, but rather to supplement or assist in seeking a deeper more relaxed state. And, it's also kind of fun to feel mentally relaxed, and has been known to aid in better, deeper, and more peaceful state of sleep, which many have described being an issue post solar eclipse.
Clairvoyance Herbal Tea Recipe:
~Valerian Root
**Add Honey to taste to help cut out the bitter herbs🌿
In a mortar and pestle combine all above herbs. Using your energy and intention crush the herbs in a clockwise motion. Crushing roots can be tough, but take your time and don't give up. Some prefer to slice roots very thinly or in minced or diced pieces, that is also an option for you instead of crushing. Crushing not only creates more surface area to come into contact with your water, but also releases natural oils that help add metaphysical and medicinal benefits to your tea blend. Boil water and steep crushed herbs for 15 - 20 minutes, or for as long as desired. I would suggest adding honey to taste to help cut out the bitter taste of some of the above herbs.
As always you can add or remove any of the above ingredients to fit your practice and/or needs. Don't be afraid to have fun and personalize this recipe at will.
Have Fun Getting In Touch With Your Inner Seer
**We are not medical professionals, and you should always consult your doctor about adding or removing anything for medical purposes to and from your diet.**