We have all feel stressed at one point or another, but rather than focusing on the balance of energy, let's shift the focusing to keeping things in a balance in our physical vessel as well.
Did you know that stress can actually lead to a hormone imbalances, which can result in adrenal fatigue? The adrenal glands are two small glands located at the top of the kidneys which produce hormones that regular blood pressure, the immune system, and our metabolism. They also aid in the proper functioning of our heart and blood vessels, our gastrointestinal function, utilization of carbohydrates and fats, and our body's ability to handle stress. When working properly they also maintain our energy levels.
Signs of Adrenal Fatigue:
~Extremely tired
~Difficulty concentrating
~Depressed mood
~Skin changes (pigmentation)
~Loss of hair/thinning hair
~G.I. dysfunctions
~Body/muscle aches
~Craving sweet or salty foods
Adrenal cocktails are a simple way to help bring a state of balance back to our adrenal glands. They typically contain antioxidants like Vitamin C and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus. They are easy to make and often contain just a few ingredients.
Simple Adrenal Cocktail Recipe:
~1/2 cup organic orange juice (great source of Vitamin C)
~ Organic Coconut Water (packed with electrolytes like potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus)
~Pinch of sea salt
Optional Ingredients:
~Cream of Tartar
~Collagen peptides/powder
~Coconut Cream
Other Juice options:
~Lime juice
~Lemon Juice
~Carrot Juice
I personally just like to keep it simple, but experiment with things you like different juices until you find a combination that suits you. Cheers to bringing those stress levels down!