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Amber: The Grounded Healer Stone, That's Not A Stone At All

Amber, Black Amber, Blue Amber, Clear Amber, Crystal, Fossil, Stone, Grounding stone, healing stone, fossilized tree resin, resin, tree resin, raw, fossil
Amber (Black Amber - left, Blue Amber -middle, Clear Amber - right)

Amber is a powerful stone, that actually isn't a stone, but has been adopted by many people as part of the crystals they collect. It's actually a solidified and fossilized tree resin that can be on average as old as 90 million years. One of the oldest ones found and tested was roughly dated back 300 million years. Often seen as a golden brown or yellow color, when in its highest purity ratio and has been known to be opaque or at times even transparent. For the average purity ratio of raw chunks of Amber, it is often seen as marbled or wooden looking layers of brown/deep almost black, that has the orange resin swirled throughout each chunk. Many will find this version at their local crystal shop instead of the crystal-clear ones you typically see an insect encased in. Because they are not only made from the Earth, but have such a long fossilization process, they have a very Earthly vibration are often used to assist in grounding very high energies. Don't worry, even though it's a fossil of sorts, it is light as a feather so, it's perfect for daily carrying around, without weighing down your pockets.

Amber has been known to be used for centuries by healers and in folk medicines throughout many different cultures. Often used as a cleanser that aids in drawing out "dis-ease" from the body. Has been said to help in the cleaning and clearing of the major Chakra systems within the body. As well as, absorbing negative energies and transmuting them into energy that can aid in stimulating your body to begin to heal itself. In healing, it has been said to absorb pain and assist in alleviating stress, joint problems, and is known as a natural antibiotic. It has been used to treat a range of ailments, from: stomachs, spleens, kidneys, bladders, livers, and gallbladder, to throat related issues like goiters.

Due to its natural association with the Earth element, it often lends itself to bringing in stability to your life and increase your motivation, especially when dealing with the idea of "wish fulfillment". Has been used historically to aid in counteracting suicidal thoughts and depressive tendencies. Amber has been linked to the Sun energy and mentally tied to the stimulation of confidence, intellect, and an overall positive mental state, especially through creative expression. Has been said to bring in balance, peace, and patience to ones decision-making process, as well as aiding in the dissolving opposing forces. When working with Amber in an emotional healing standpoint, it can assist in developing mindfulness, trust in yourself and others, as well as, drawing in wisdoms and knowledge.

If you haven't had the pleasure of working with Amber yet in your practice, you may want to consider it!

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