It's time to sit down, take inventory and take real, raw accountability of what you have been allowing to take up space in your life. It's time to stop pointing the finger of blame at everything outside of ourselves and come to terms with what your subconscious has been creating in your life.
No matter where you are in your journey, it's important to understand that your subconscious mind will create experiences in your reality from your deepest wounds. Those experiences will come in the form of different characters, with many masks and will continue to manifest until YOU face it within yourself. If facing your shadow or doing shadow work irks you, frustrates you, or is something you have been avoiding, I'm here to tell you that it's in fact your starting point to shift yourself out of that pattern, that cycle or that experience that you are sick and tired of.
You may not be responsible for your wounds, but you are responsible for healing them if you desire new experiences in this lifetime.
It's time to stop categorizing people as "good/bad", "right/wrong "narcissist/ empath", and start realizing that every single person you encounter on your journey has a role to play, an experience to give and something to teach you. Some people will enter your life and become as catalyst, while others will enter as a blessing and others will be instrumental in helping you shift to that timeline you said you wanted. There are no coincidences, every single person you share an experience with is here to teach you something about yourself.
My team is stressing the importance of "course correcting" right now, as far as your perspectives, how you see your interactions and experiences in life. Things aren't happening to you, they are happening for you, and so many people get lost in the "why", in the analyzing and dissecting of others, that they miss the opportunity to shift, to grow, to go within, and look within themselves.
It's time to stop running, stop blaming, and start accepting full responsibility for what you have been aligning with that you don't prefer. Suffering happens when we hold onto things we know we have outgrown, when we hold on to things we don't actually want.
What reflections are you seeing on your life that you don't like? And more importantly, now that you are aware, what are you going to do about it.