This week is an interesting one, energetically speaking. Many may be realizing that the energy doesn't quite match the "3-D" reality surrounding them. I keep feeling pulled to say, "we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto". This Wednesday is a great time to embrace the present moment. You have all the answers inside of you. You are Spirit in a vessel. You never stopped being Spirit. Take today to pause and focus on the present moment in front of you. Not Yesterday. Not Tomorrow. But right here and right now. Go be human. Do 3D human things and enjoy the simplicity of life for a moment. "Breath in, Breath out....I'm not gonna scream and shout" is what just popped in my head.
This week's message is simple, go be HUMAN, you are here to experience physical life. Step away from over analyzing, the picking yourself apart, and the replaying the past on loops. There is so much in the present moment requesting your full attention, asking you to "take it all in" and absorb it through experience. Get Tapped in!
Plant your feet in the grass and realize how far you have come and how much knowledge & wisdom you already possess in this very moment. Go have fun. Unplug and unwind. The next part of the journey begins soon, and you'll need to be well rested for it.