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Beltane: The Bright Force

Updated: May 10, 2024

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, Keys_Of_Wisdom369, Maypole, Beltane, Mid Summer, Gaelic, COmmunity, Pagan, Bright force, Ancient wisdom, coming together, community, masculine and feminine union

Beltane is a Gaelic Fire Festival celebrated on the eve of May 1st, as it marks the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.  It is considered a celebration of fire, fertility, and rebirth. Beltane comes from the Gaelic word meaning "bright force".  This is a time of community and coming together, connecting with the natural world, honoring the changing of the seasons and a way to connect with ancient wisdom.  It is considered one of the most important of the four Gaelic festivals throughout the year.   

As this was a time of community and people coming back together again, Beltane was celebrated in many different ways:

*Bonfires- Fire represents the fertile life force.  It symbolizes the Sun and the energy it supplies to man, animals, and plants.  Fires were also used at this time to symbolize the burning and destroying of harmful influences and negative energies. It is said that two great fires were built by the Druids and livestock were driven in between the fires as a way to protect them from disease.  People also used to "jump" the fire as a way of cleansing and purification.

*Dancing around the May Pole- the May Pole is a tall pole decorated with flowers and ribbons and other ornaments.  Those dancing around the May Pole weave the ribbons into a pattern and this dance symbolizes the union between masculine and feminine energies. 

*Celebration of the May Queen and the Green Man- the May Queen was considered a symbol of renewal and spring.  She was chosen from the maidens of a village, decorated with ribbons and flowers, and led the dancers while singing and celebrating the rebirth and growth of the Earth.  The chosen Green Man represents fertility, abundance, and represents the masculine energy of the Earth.  He was dressed in branches and leaves. The May Queen and the Green Man perform a dance of courtship around the Beltane Fire representing the "coming together" or union of feminine and masculine energies of the Earth.

*Decorating doorways, windows and livestock with yellow flowers

*Walking property to give thanks as well as ask for protection/blessing of the land

*Some used the morning dew on Monday day mixed with flowers to wash their face

Beltane symbolizes the "turning of the wheel" towards summer and is a time to create a plan of action towards your dreams and goals.  This is a great time to connect to your "roots", to your ancestors and the wisdom of their teachings.

Ways we can honor and celebrate Beltane:

*Create an altar space honoring your ancestors

*Bonfire with friends/family

*Wear a symbol of what you wish to honor

*Decorate a tree with colorful ribbons representing your dreams and goals 

*Simmer Pots (check out Rooted Intentions video on Tiktok for a simple simmer pot recipe for Beltane)

*Decorate your home with yellow flower wreaths or floral bouquets

*Give thanks to for your home, your property, and ask for continued protection and abundance

*Harnessing the power of fire through candle magic (i.e. gratitude candle, protection candle)

*Abundance Bowl

Herbs for Beltane:

*Yellow or white flowers













Crystals for Beltane:




*Rose Quartz

*Orange Carnelian

When celebrating Beltane, remember this is a time to connect with the Earth, your ancestors, show gratitude, and make a plan of action for what you hope to accomplish.  Be creative, do what feels right for you. Keep it simple and remember that intention is everything.

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