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Blind Beliefs: Can You Challenging Your Conditioning?

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, blinded, blinded beliefs, spirituality, spiritual
Blinded By Those Around You or From Wence You Came

You know we always remind the collective to be careful what labels and stories you are adopting as your own. We often hear people claim they are the "curse breaker" in their let's unpack it. Your curses are simply your conditioning. Your conditioning is often made of up of belief systems, what you identify with, whether it be thoughts, emotions, labels, etc., or your perspectives from experiences in your life, and much more.

Your conditioning is also how you are controlled. How you inadvertently place your power outside of you. At its most simplistic, it's what keeps you stuck in a victim consciousness of "why is this happening to me". Conditioning is the barrier to authenticity and the realization that your purpose isn't a "thing" you discover but it's something that you become.

So many times we hear people say that they feel "stuck" on their journey, or they've reached a point of stagnation. This feeling experienced by many is rooted in the conditioning of limiting beliefs.

If you've ever caught us on LIVE, you have heard us countless times reference the quote "who were you before the world told you who you had to be". This is part of the remembrance that you hear about often on the "spiritual journey". But in order to remember you must be willing to unlearn and let go of everything you're not.

It's exhausting trying to fit into a "box", or a label, or a construct. It's exhausting being told what to think, how to feel and what you should be "fighting" for or standing up against. It's hard to step into the alignment of authenticity when you're still aligning with the "status quo".

We know that change is constant. When fighting against change, we become the resistance against the new experiences we are trying to create. In order for something to begin, something must end. 

So how do you break through the conditioning? You must first be willing to challenge it. You must first be willing to be brutally honest with yourself.

What beliefs do you hold that if challenged trigger a reaction from you? 

What beliefs do you hold that you feel you need to defend? And why? Remember, the truth exists regardless of anyone's thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. Truth has never asked any of us to defend it. 

Do you believe that looking at something from another perspective means that it's now something you hold to be true or is it simply an awareness from a different "lens"?

Who shaped your beliefs? Why do YOU hold their beliefs to be true for you?

Why do you believe that your beliefs are true?

Do you judge others for their beliefs? Even if silently. 

What if what you've been throughout your life isn't true?

Do you look into things for yourself? Do you explore multiple perspectives, or do you rely on outside sources and societal constructs to tell you what is true and what isn't?

Are any of your beliefs rooted in judgement? Separation? Divide? Do you have to pick one side or one way or another?

We are huge proponents of playing "devil's advocate" in all areas of life. Are you able to do the same? Are you able to view through many lenses and allow yourself to have the awareness of multiple possibilities or have you created a limit, a box, or a construct that keeps you trapped and viewing through only one lens?

"Don't make the mistake of thinking just because you can't perceive it with your five sense means it doesn't exist"

Do you have any blind beliefs left?

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