The next post in our series on syncretisms and consciousness is the Christos Oil or the Christ Oil. If you have a belief system rooted in a heavy religious construct, this post might be a little hard to digest or might trigger cognitive dissonance. This is just a perspective or lens to view through and no perspective has to become a belief.
Around the age of 12, the Claustrum, a thin sheet-like structure in the brain, secretes a psycho-physical oil when the moon enters your sun sign each month. It then travels down the spine to the sacrum bone, where if preserved can be resurrected and raised back up into the brain.Â
By opening the 7 chakras and preserving this oil by avoiding acidic foods and liquids which destroyed the oil, as well as retaining sexual energy and fluids, one has the ability to use the power behind of this retained energy (kundalini) to raise it from the sacrum (base of the spine) to the crown chakra in the brain to attain a state of enlightenment.Â
The Book of Wisdom (Vol 1.) breaks down the oil process and correlates to many known stories we are all familiar with:
Oil Process:
1- The Claustrum (Santa Claus) produces the fluid which then goes to the pineal and pituitary gland.
2- The Pineal Gland electrically charges the fluid (Male/Joseph)
3- The Pituitary Gland magnetically charges it (Female/Mary)
4- Then the fluid will travel down the 2 nerves, the Ida which is connected to the pituitary gland and then the Pingala which is connected to the Pineal Gland.
5- The Oil then rests for 3 days om the Sacrum bone.
6- If the oil is saved and not destroyed, the oil will activate the kundalini energy which will then turn the oil into a gas raise it back up the 33 vertebrae to the medulla oblongata.
7- This will then pass to the pineal gland and then to the cerebrum which will rebirth/resurrect all brain cells, activate the pineal gland and regenerates all the cells in the body.
This process is symbolized as being "born again".
Syncretisms to look at:
It was said that Jesus was 33 years old when he was crucified, here 33 is represented by the number of vertebrae in the spine.Â
Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days and the oil rests at the base of the spine for 3 days before it rises and is resurrected.
At winter Solstice, the Sun "dies" for 3 days before it too is resurrected.
Santa Claus travels down the chimney (Santa Claus represents the Claustrum and the chimney the spine)
I also think it's helpful to look at the etymology of the word Christ, which comes from the Greek Word Kristos, which means anointed or anoint. And the etymology of the word anoints, which means to smear with oil.
Remember, this is just a lens or different perspective to look through and a way to challenge beliefs.Â