The element of water is all about flow. It represents empathy, connection, adaptability, understanding and vulnerability. It is directly correlated to the Sacral Chakra and our sensuality, creativity, freedom and fluidity. Some believe the heart chakra too represents water.
Many cultures around the world equate water with energy and healing. Learning to connect with the element of water can help us let go of things, accept change and facilitate movement in our lives as water represents the ability to overcome obstacles. Fear is one emotion associated with the water element and when we aren't in a flow state, or a balanced state, fears, phobias, and a lack of courage may be reflected in our lives.
There are many ways that you can connect with the element of water in your own spiritual practices. Spiritual baths, simmer pots, grounding using the element of water out in nature (or even the shower), crystal divination, emotional release, and meditation. When utilizing colors when connecting with water it shouldn't come as a surprise that blue should be your go to.
Spiritual baths, simmer pots, or making charged water. Everyone has heard of moon water, but have you ever made sun water? Sun water can be used for cleansing energetic blockages, removing negative energy, and boosting self-confidence.
With the weather finally changing, utilize this time to get outside and connect with nature again. If you find yourself lucky enough to find a stream, creek, or lake, don't pass up the chance to connect directly with the water. It can be utilized to ground your energy as well as to help you connect with your own individual flow state.
For the crystal lovers out there, here is a list of crystals related directly to the water element:
*Blue Tourmaline
*Blue Lace Agate
*Lapis Lazuli
The Jala Mudra (Mudra of Water) can help improve the flow of fluids in the body to support the lymphatic, circulatory, urinary and reproductive systems.
Meditation practices incorporating water sounds healing can help lower blood pressure, improve digestion, lift mood, support healthy sleep patterns, and help regulate hormone functions.
Never underestimate the power of a good cry. So many of us have spent years stuffing our emotions and when we don't allow ourselves the space to feel and move through them, we create blockages within our energetic field. A good cry is an amazing release!
Even something as simple as spending some time clearing your mind and having a simple cup of tea is an effective way of connecting with the element of water.
Remember, when connecting with elements there is no "wrong" way of doing things. Your practices are unique to you, get creative, try new things and don't box yourself into any one way of doing things.