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Easily Understanding The 7 Clair "Abilities"

Updated: May 10, 2024

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, seven, seven clairs, 7 clairs, clairvoyance, claircognizant, spiritual, spiritual abilities, spirituality, psychic, medium, mediumship, dead people, pasted loved ones
Fire Bending the Number 7

Often when we think about psychic abilities, we think the five clairs. But did you know there aren't just five, there are seven and some argue due to definition that there are eight. Below are all seven commonly accepted clair abilities and a brief no B.S. break down of each.

Clairvoyance is one of the most widely known and often referred to clair ability. It is often used to describe a person who possesses clear seeing. It's the gift of sight. The ability to gain information through the imagination and minds-eye. Often in pictures and sometime short video or movie like reels or clips. Often these people describe having vivid dreams, visions, and precognition or premonitions. Some may even be developed enough to see partial or full auras surrounding people, animals, and plants. A few will also be able to physically see ghosts, angels, demons, and many things in between.

Clairaudience is often what I find most people think about when they think of Mediumship. Most think people can clearly hear spirits who have crossed over. While this may be the case, always keep in mind Mediums can tap into many other abilities as well. A person who has this ability is often said to have clear hearing. The ability to hear the spirit world talk. Some have described it as voices inside the mind space sometimes mimicking their own voice or completely different. Some have even said this ability almost feels like it's coming at times from inside the ear canal. A few even have described sounds as coming completely from outside themselves as if from another person in the same room as them, only to look around and see no one there.

Clairsentience is many times what people have naturally and fail to often realize it. It's known to be clear feeling. Many normal people will experience this as cold chills or goose bumps. However, the very in-tune person may feel physical body ailments, pain, and discomfort from others energy. They are also known to have a strong gut feeling about things, places, or people. This ability does branch into the feeling of another's emotion within your physical body, but is not to be confused with clairempathy.

Claircognizance is often one of the most confused and mislabeled clair ability. It is our clear knowing. This is often confused with clairempathy and clairsentience, because many hear this and think of the gut feeling. However, this ability is for when you just know something and you have no idea how you know it you just do. No physical body feeling, no gift of sight, no sounds, just a solid knowing. This clair ability truthfully takes the most faith and trust to harness and grow, because often times you have no evidence or truth to back any of it up. Now many will receive a knowing first and then be given other clair's to confirm what they "know" however, by itself, it is the ultimate trust and faith builder.

Clairempathy is often talked about in tandem with clairsentience. It is the ability to have clear emotion. Often times when we talk about this ability it deals directly with another person's energy and the ability to feel their emotions, thoughts, and symptoms. Often times this is an awareness of those things and not often felt as a physical symptom within your body. The easiest example is, have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt like someone had just had a massive argument. You have the awareness of the tense and fiery energy present, but you didn't get physically angry or agitated yourself.

Clairalience is the ability of clear smelling. Often one of the most underrated abilities by far. Many people receive this fantom smell and rarely put two and two together that it's actually an ability. Many people receive a smell from a past loved one, such as cigar smoke, flower, or maybe their favorite perfume. Often times it is used to grab someone's attention when utilized by the dead. However, a cooler side to this ability is for land or property. Some can walk around and get smells that are attached to the history of a location that many "normal" people cannot smell. Such as a fire in a building or house or a flood by the smell of water. One of the grimmest ties this ability has in my opinion is the smell of death. Many have claimed to be able to smell death near a living person, only to soon find them passing away tragically.

Clairgustance is known as clear tasting. This is one of the least talked about clair abilities out there. I'm not sure why, because it's actually quite cool and impressive. It's literally the ability to taste without anything physically present within the mouth. The simplest example of this clair for the "normal" person is, have you ever watched a commercial where someone is eating pizza and then suddenly you can taste the pizza in your mouth. Boom! That's part of it. The other part is spirit communication. If grandma used to take you to get ice cream and she always got peanut butter ripple, often times the flavor and cold mouth sensations can be perceived and felt as if you were actively eating ice cream.

Now there is a whole list of abilities out there, but these are just 7 basic Clair abilities. How Many do you have, if any?

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