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Energetic Art of Crafting Moon Water

Moon water is a fun and easy way to charge our energetic light bodies with help from the moon. It can also be used for magical and spiritual purposes, such as spells, teas, baths, cleansing, blessings, and physical hydration. Because the human body is over 75% water and the moon has physical effects on the tides, it can naturally charge and purify any water source, and that includes you. That being said, making moon water for any purpose is a simple and easy way to amplify your craft in many ways.

How to Make Moon Water:

  • Fill a clear bottle or jar with water. It is best to use natural water like spring water or unfiltered/ non chemically altered well water. (Some who are not choosing to use it for consumption, will fill a container from a pond, stream, creek, or fresh puddle outside. For those who plan on drinking it, please use a trusted source for safety)

  • Place the Bottle or Jar outside under the moonlight. (Wait for it to be dark and retrieve it first thing in the morning. For best effect you should grab it before the Sun rises, as we don’t want Sun water, which has different metaphysical effects and uses).

** Some choose to speak intentions or affirmations into their water before leaving it outside to charge. You can also leave the lid closed on the jars/bottles. A clear bottle/ jar allows for the energy and light to penetrate the barrier, so the lid is okay. **

While leaving containers outside is the best and most recommended way of charging moon water, should that not be an available option for you, you can always leave the bottle/jar on the windowsill or in front of a window that is in full view of the moon and its light. While this still works, I always tell people the less barriers, the better. So if you have the option of outside I always suggest that, as it gives you one less barrier, the window, for the energy to have to pass through.

While in theory Moon water can be made during any moon phase, the different moon phases do change, alter, or amplify the energy that the water is being used for. This can naturally make it more useful for certain goals, tasks, or aid in certain things in your spiritual and metaphysical practices/ spell work.

A General Easy Quick Guide for The Different Moon Phases:

  • New Moon: Fresh Start, Trusting your Instincts, Setting New and Pure Intentions, and Cleansing Mind, Body, and Soul.

  • Waxing Moon: Growth, Planning, Showing your Commitment, Establishing a Solid Foundation and Roots, Increased Focus and Taking Action On Intentions You Set

  • Full Moon: Gaining Power, Completion and Success, Expressing Gratitude and Thankfulness, Seeing your Manifestations Come to Fortuition, Charging Items

  • Waning Moon: Releasing and Receiving, Sharing with Others and Within a Community, Taking Responsibility and Accountability, Letting Go, Banishing Energy, and Bringing in Closure

** Be mindful that many throw heed to not consuming water charged in a Lunar Eclipse as this energy is said to be the most Chaotic and Unstructured energy of the Moon. However, the rules you choose to follow are your own. Always use discernment and do as you are called to do. **

Moon Water is a simple and effective way to funnel, amplify, and harness the natural and powerful force of the moon into your everyday magical existence, whether that be through physical hydration, spells, or other spiritual practices. Use Your discernment and have fun!

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