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Energetic Resonance: What It Means & How It Physically Manifests On The Body

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, resonance, resonance energy, energy, redefining words, spiritual, spirituality, physical vessel
Resonant Pulse On The Human Aura

At one point or another on your spiritual journey you have probably heard the term "Resonate" or "Resonance". This article is going to focus on the modern term used most often when people are talking about aligning with a message or person. Most often you may hear or see it used in a sentence like: "That Resonates So Much With Me!" or "This Doesn't Resonate At All" or "Claiming This Resonates So Hard!" or "So Glad This Resonated With You." We will save the energetic form of human resonance, collective resonance, and frequency resonance for another time.

This phrase is often used as a verb when trying to express that something one said, stated, proclaimed, relayed, delivered, or channeled struck a deep chord within you. Often meant to convey that something said was a thing you could deeply relate to and understand on an intimate soul level. This may be a statement that you have heard before or feel deeply familiar to, even if the conscious brain does not understand or comprehend why or how. Remember, your soul is not bound by this lifetime, therefore, its memory is deeper and more expansive than your human brain can fathom or even begin to recall. This can be seen as a deep feeling of innerstanding on a soul level, at its extremes, where words cannot convey the depth of connection. The key here is SOUL-LEVEL! While we have watered down the term in modern society to simply be anything you can relate to in the spiritual community, its actual purpose was to be soul based, not human based.

If you find yourself asking, how do you know if something resonates with you on a soul-level, then you'll find this next part interesting. Resonance is an energy-based impact. However, everything that impacts your energy has some sort of ripple effect, it can be large, or it can be small, on your physical vessel. So, when something sits in your soul energy your physical vessel usually has no choice, but to release or respond to the alignment and correlation of energy that has occurred with your soul and auric field. This response can be physically seen, measured, and felt on the physical body or vessel at the time of resonance occurring.

Some of the physical vessel signs to energetic resonance on the human body can and many look like, but not limited to, one or more of the following:


~Cold Chills

~Energy Pings (Knowing Physical "Gut" Feeling/Punch)


~Hair Standing on End

~Head-Buzzing or Crown Tingles

~Body Tingles

~Heart or Chest Aches/ Palpations

~Abrupt Body Temperature Changes (Both Cold or Hot)

~Sweating, Perspiration, Clammy Hands, or Moist Palms

~Extreme Out-Of-The-Blue Emotional Responses (such as Deep Crying & Anger)

~Physical Verbal Outburst (such as "OHH Damn" or "That Hit Hard")

~Brain Freeze or Mental Pause (Where You Find Yourself Going Wait WTF?! & Have To Physically Hear It Again, Because Your Mind Can't Believe How Hard Something Hit & Couldn't Process It)

This physical body response, while may seem normal to those who it occurs to, is actually a very interesting and deep happening. Not everyone experiences resonate frequency and realizes it is happening, so if you are paying attention enough to notice, extra brownie points for you! So next time before you just use the phrase "that resonates", stop and ask yourself does it truly resonate with my energy on a soul-level, or does my human brain/ego relate or align with the statement. It's important to know the difference between your intuition/soul-energy and ego/humanness, both where one begins, and one ends. Your physical body's reaction and responses to energy is a breadcrumb trail back to deeper beginnings, always remember that. Much like in your healing journey, we are always led back into the center on things.

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