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Energy Healing: Chakras and Sound

Everything in our Universe can be broken down to the basis of energy. It is when we apply that simple ideal that our lives begin to unravel in the most beautiful of ways. We are spirit within the body or vessel. Once we adopt this knowing at our core, we can begin to understand why everything we come into contact with has such a profound impact on us. Spirit is energy, plain and simple. Before we began talking our main language of communication with our outside world was energy. Now that we are adults, we sometimes ignore our energy and this causes over 90 percent of our issues today, from diseases like Cancer and Heart problems, all the way down to depression and self-harm tendencies. The most commonly known way of relating our energy to healing is through use of the rainbow energy system. While Hindu culture has received the most credit for the creation of the mainstream chakra system we know today, it also is worth mentioning other cultures are rumored to have utilized similar meridian systems, such as, Mayan, Cherokee, and the Inca. This mainstream Rainbow system consists of 7 main chakras.

~Root Chakra

~Sacral Chakra

~Solar Chakra

~Heart Chakra

~Throat Chakra

~Brow (Third Eye) Chakra

~Crown Chakra

Each chakra center directly correlates to not only a sound frequency, but also to a particular body part, sense, or organ, that directly leads back to traumas and even our "stored shadows". When we heal the light-body we heal the vessel in turn, however, not the same can be said when we heal the vessel. Many times, the light-body struggles to recover and heal when we only focus on the physical. This is because our light-bodies function at a much higher energetic frequency than our dense 3D world. Our light-body lives in the unseen subtle energies field. This field physically moves faster than the speed of light! Like frequencies move like frequencies. Meaning to heal the light-body we need to be moving energy faster than the speed of light. If you can see the doctor mending your body, you are moving within the speed of light, because it is visible to you. A silly example yes, but a very understandable one.

One of the most common ways of healing the light-body is through sound. Specifically, frequency tones. If you know which chakra or area of the body you wish to sending healing energy to that's over half the battle. Each Chakra has a basic frequency which years of study and science has proven respond to. Remember like frequency, actives and moves, like frequency. Chakras are invisible spinning energy centers, so getting them moving is exactly what we are looking to do. Here is a basic list of each Chakra and the basic frequency that respond to, using both the Solfeggio Frequency and Frequency Tuned to 432hz (Standard American Sound).

~Root Chakra: Solfeggio: 396Hz & S.A.S: 432 Hz

~Sacral Chakra: Solfeggio: 417Hz & S.A.S: 480Hz

~Solar Chakra: Solfeggio:528Hz & S.A.S: 528Hz

~Heart Chakra: Solfeggio: 639Hz & S.A.S 600Hz

~Throat Chakra: Solfeggio: 741Hz & S.A.S: 672 Hz

~Brow (Third Eye) Chakra: Solfeggio: 852Hz & S.A.S: 720 Hz

~Crown Chakra: Solfeggio: 963 Hz & S.A.S: 768 Hz

Here is a link to our YouTube Channel's Collection of Meditation Music. There you can find music for all different types of frequency healing. Or you can browse YouTube using the basic names and Hz frequencies for further results. Happy Sound Healing!

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