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Friday the 13th: The Truth Behind the Number 13

With Friday the 13th happening this coming Friday, what better time than now to end the stigma behind the number 13. The number 13 is made up of the numbers 1 and 3. The number 1 is the root of opportunity in our lives and it represents new beginnings, endless possibilities, movement, and independence. It is also a symbol of confidence, power, and action. It acts as a spark of creation. It represents birth, solidarity, and initiation. The number 3 represents self-expression, abundance, and inspiration. It symbolizes creation, order, advancement, completion as well as, mystery. It is associated with the mind, body, and spirit (3), the holy trinity (3), past-present-future (3), birth-life-death (3), maiden-mother-crone (3), and Greek philosopher Pythagoras saw it as representing harmony, wisdom, and understanding. It's seen as a number of wholeness. Both the number 1 and the number 3 are also related with 2 master numbers in numerology, 11 and 33, so when they are combined it represents a very powerful creative energy of change and transformation as well as unity and completeness.

The number 13 has a strong vibrational energy and is seen as bringing change and growth. It 1 symbolizes sacred feminine energies. It is represented as the 13th card in tarot, which is the death card which we know is a signifier of death, rebirth, and transitioning through the cycles as we let go of the past and embrace new beginnings.13 is considered a karmic number in numerology and it is associated with good luck and prosperity for those that embrace it. With it being a karmic number it is important to remember that when it comes to karma, or the law of cause in effect, the energy that you have been vibrating in or taking action in, is what will be reciprocated, because everything in our universe is made up of energy.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways 13 has been represented throughout history:

● The Sun + the 12 zodiacs (13)

● Jesus + the 12 disciples (13)

● King Arthur + 12 Knights of the Round Table (13)

● 13 Grandmother Moon Teachings

● 13 Lunar Cycles

● 13 Sacred Geometrical Shapes

● 13 Sacred Feminine Energies

● 13 Circles of the Fruit of Life (contained in the Flower of Life)

● The Number 13 Promise (the 2 fold promise)

● 13 Card in Tarot (Death represents of life death and rebirth)

● 13 steps upon the ladder that leads to eternity in Egyptian culture

● The Aztecs divided their weeks into 13 days

The number 13 is also considered a prime number, meaning that it is only divisible by itself which is symbolic of integrity, purity, and incorruptible nature. So while many view the number 13 as “unlucky” or attach fearful constructs to it, the number 13 is anything but and has been used over time and many cultures to represent many positive things.

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