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"Gapping": What Is It and How It Happens

When we define the word “gapping” in our community and in our business, we are referring to the space that appears between you and others when you start to grow, heal, and ascend in frequency on this spiritual journey. More often than not, we experience these “changes” or “pull-aways” from those who we used to be closest with when we choose ourselves and choose a different path. This different path could be something as large as a job change or moving homes. Or it could be something as simple as deciding not to take part in gossip or deciding to have a more positive outlook. Often these changes we make are for ourselves and are unique to our own individual growth cycle. This uniqueness is us embracing our truest selves, energetically speaking. Us embracing our healing and growth is what moves us one step closer to (Source/ Creator/ God), when we take this step, our vibration and frequency raises. 

This rise in energetic frequency is what we feel between ourselves and our “old circle” of friends/family. The gapping comes when you choose to continue rising your frequency and they choose at that moment not to. (Now make no mistake, just because you are excited about your growth and changes, doesn’t mean everyone around you is. Also, please innerstand, that someone else does not have to grow and heal like you do, or on your time scale. Their journey is their own, so focus on you and don’t get discouraged.) Now regardless of how you personally feel about their decisions, acts, or behavior, is besides the point, a gap is being formed as we speak. If we were to place you on a scale, to help get a visual, let's say you both start at 0 (a neutral zone). You having an awareness (which is always step one) that you may want to do something different has put you one step “ahead”. Now you’re at 1 and they are at 0, on our scale. Let's say you dive into some shadow work and it really starts to change your perspective on things and your frequency continues to rise. Now you are 5 and they are at 0, on our scale. See how the gap is increasing.

With every new experience, outlook, and challenge you face, overcome, and adopt/ release you continue your slow and steady rise on the scale. Before you know it, you’re at 20 and they are at neutral 0 still, on our scale. While their place is neither good nor bad, we can clearly see the gap and how it has been formed. This is the act of gapping that forms when you are off bettering yourself. Now, it may have been not so hard to relate to your “old friends/family” when you were a 5 on the scale, but now that you’re a 20, you’ll notice things become more difficult. You’ll find it harder to find topics that you both enjoy talking about and oftentimes this is where many friendships and close relationships fizzle out. This is OKAY!!! IT’S COMPLETELY NATURAL! 

The presence of the awareness of this gap in frequency and “vibe” between you and others is what we call “Gapping”. You as a spiritual being and as a soul in a vessel, will experience this many different times, in many different spaces, with many different faces, and scenarios. The best way to make peace with these changes is realizing that you don’t need to judge or hate on the other person, or yourself during this process. This isn’t an I’m better than you, egotistical thing. This is growth, plain and simple and the way is being cleared for you naturally. No more needed work or effort on your part, you may find yourself setting boundaries more and limiting access of your energy to these people, but that is also your choice. This is one of the unconditional love moments, where you can recognize that someone is not where you are “at” in life, and that’s okay too. It’s loving and releasing them all the same. Should they choose later on to “Close the gap”, that is up to them, but always know that you lead by example based on your energetic frequency and your light. By you, choosing yourself and bettering yourself, you hold space for them to choose to do the same without undue pressure or burden. This is leading by example! 

**Please be aware that this is an over simplified example and growth is not a linear, only upward moving thing that can be easily measured on a scale like we did above. It is merely broken down in this way to be easily understood, by all levels on this spiritual journey.**

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