Looking to add some intensity or “speed things up” in your spiritual practices? Ginger root is an absolute must to keep in your cabinet as it proves to be a very powerful catalyst for practitioners. It is considered masculine in gender and is associated with the element of Fire and evokes the energies of both Mars and the Sun. It can also be useful to help balance both the root and sacral chakra.
Ginger has many metaphysical uses such as:
Attracts prosperity and abundance
Enhances protection
Amplifies energy
Increases personal power and confidence
Wards of negativity and evil
Adds passion and energy
Used in rituals to ask for healing
Increases your inner fire
Helps stop nightmares
Attracts good luck
Creates protective barriers
Symbolizes strength and courage
Boosts energy
There are many different ways that ginger can be incorporated into your spiritual practices:
Dressing candles
Mojo/Sachet bags
Spiritual bath recipes
Infused into a spray or oil
Placed in an amulet
Added to a simmer pot
Chewed, drank or eaten
Altar offering
Incorporate into love, prosperity, luck, protection or personal power “workings”
To honor your fire sign
So, whether you are looking to add a little “fire” to your magic, enhance protection, increase your luck and abundance or try something new to cleanse your space, keep ginger at the top of your list as it does not disappoint.