An abundance or prosperity bowl is a fantastic way to practice intention magik and have fun doing it. A lot of people in the collective ask about their blessing and when are things "gonna happen" for them. While we always tell people if you are searching for your abundance in any form, you often miss it when it comes or sometimes even energetically chase it away through a lack of gratitude. We understand that often people still want to physically do something to help obtain or draw in abundance. So, we have laid out a simple spiritual practice of crafting an abundance bowl.
It is important to note, that you get what you put into abundance bowls. It's more about your intention and energy than any one object. If you go in thinking it won't work, you will be sabotaging your work. The same way if you think this will fix your bad spending habits, you will be surely mistaken. This bowl will help to fill your space with the positive and magnetizing energy of abundance in all forms, however, we recommend you do so open endedly and without expectations. The key is to show gratitude for anything received and you will notice that the time between receiving becomes shorter and shorter, sooner rather than later you will feel almost overwhelmed with abundances at every turn and in every form. Adding an item to it every week or few weeks is always the best practice to keep the energy fresh and always "receiving".
When I set up a bowl, I try to hit abundance in all forms. Meaning money, health, protection, luck, and prosperity being the main functions. I also try to incorporate a representation of all the elements for balance, as well as, both masculine and feminine representations. You can choose to edit the intention of your bowl as you see fit, please use your intuition here and add and remove anything on the following list as you feel called to do. Some place their bowls by their front doors to draw in abundance, some culturally will pick the "lucky" corner of their house based on feng shui or personal energetic beliefs, and some, like me, just leave it on or near your altar space, it's entirely up to you.
List for Abundance Bowl Crafting
~Bowl - Large enough to hold all items. (Color Representations - Gold, Brown, Grey, Green, Orange) I chose stone grey for mine. I felt it tied it better to the physical plane for me being more earthy in nature. (It doesn't have to be fancy, and a cereal bowl works just as well 😉)
~ Rice- (Optional - Some add rice for moisture control)
~ Sage, Palo Santo, Or Other Cleansers - (Always clear all tools, bowls, yourself, and workspaces before constructing anything with magical or energetic intention)
~ Herbs (From the list below or your choosing, dried works best for long term use)
~ Crystals (From the list below or your choosing, tumbled or raw is fine.)
~ Candles (Color Representations - Green, Gold, Orange, White, or one of your choosing) Fully dressed or bare is up to you. I fully dress with oil and herbs when I do mine, using the same herbs and oil I add into my bowl)
~Oil - (Premanufactured Abundance oils or From List Below)
~Sigils or Sacred Geometries (Optional - Made yourself, cultural or religious representations, or well know sacred geometries)
~Money- (Rolled up Dollar bills and Or Coins.) I rolled 3 bills up and place in a triangle shape to signify the 3 pillars of self coming together, also the number 3 of collaboration and teamwork. Any loose change works, I did a little of each (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) because I wanted each amount represented so abundance was being accepted at all levels. You do whatever floats your boat.
Add into the bowl one at a time by placing your energetic intention onto each item. If using candles, I fully dress my candle with oils and herbs. Then, set it up in a candle holder and place items around candle and light on fire. I feel it adds a little umph to my bowl, plus you can add some fast catalyst herbs/ spices if you really want to get your abundance moving quickly. As far as your sigil goes, you can light it on fire in your bowl, fold it up, or leave it showing proudly in for all to see, whichever you prefer based on your practice. (I light it on fire). Like I said I added representations of the 5 elements in my bowl, be creative and do what feels right.
Short List Of Herbs:
(by no means your limit to the herbs you can use)
~Sage (Wishes & Manifestation)
~Sandalwood (Healing, Wishes, & Manifestation)
~Dandelion (Wished & Manifestation)
~Lemon Balm (Success & Healing)
~Cinnamon (Success, Healing, Wealth, & Money)
~Clover (Success, Wealth, & Money)
~Ginger (Success, Wealth, & Money)
~High John The Conqueror (Success, Happiness, Wealth, & Money)
~Ash (Prosperity & Health)
~Alfalfa (Prosperity)
~Oak (Prosperity, Health, Healing, Wealth, & Money)
~Vervain (Healing, Wealth, & Money)
~Allspice (Luck, Healing, Wealth, & Money)
~Basil (Wealth & Money)
~Cedar (Healing, Wealth, & Money)
~Chamomile (Wealth & Money)
~Comfrey (Wealth & Money)
~Patchouly (Wealth & Money)
~Mint (Healing, Wealth, & Money)
~Nutmeg (Luck, Health, Wealth, & Money)
~Jasmine (Wealth & Money)
~Star Anise (Luck)
~Moss (Luck, Money, & Wealth)
~Orange (Luck, Money, & Wealth)
~Rue (Health)
Short List Of Crystals:
(by no means the limit of the crystals or stones that can be used)
~Pyrite (Abundance, Wealth)
~Yellow Citrine (Manifestation, Abundance & Wealth)
~Amazonite (Abundance & Wealth)
~Jade (Abundance & Wealth)
~Green Aventurine (Abundance & Wealth)
~Tiger's Eye (Protection, Manifestation, Abundance & Wealth)
~Cinnabar (Abundance & Wealth)
~Peridot (Abundance & Wealth)
~Clear Quartz (Abundance & Wealth)
~Malachite (Abundance & Wealth)
~Stillbite (Manifestation)
~Green Chalcedony (Manifestation, Abundance & Wealth)
~Diamond (Manifestation, Abundance & Wealth)
~Gold (Abundance & Wealth)
~Moonstone (Abundance & Wealth)
~Zincite (Manifestation, Abundance & Wealth)
~Moss Agate (Abundance & Wealth)
~Yttrian Fluorite (Abundance & Wealth)
~Ruby (Abundance & Wealth)
~Yellow Sapphire (Abundance & Wealth)
~Kyanite (Manifestation)
~Black Obsidian (Grounding, Protection, & Manifestation)
Short List Of Oils:
~Cinnamon (Luck & Purification)
~Cypress (Luck & Protection)
~Lotus (Luck & Healing)
~Almond (Money)
~Bayberry (Money)
~Honeysuckle (Money)
~Mint (Money)
~Patchouly (Money & Protection)
~Pine (Money)
~Vervain (Money & Fertility)