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Metatron's Cube: The Elaborate Blueprint of Creation

Before we can begin to break down the Sacred Geometry behind Metatron’s Cube, we need to first make a correlation to who exactly Metatron is. Archangel Metatron (Metatetron, Merraton, Metaraon) is often referred to as the “angel of Life” or “angel of the veil”. Often honored as chief of the ministering angels, chief recording angel, chancellor of Heaven, often seen as the angel whom the world is maintained. He is said to guard the Tree of Life and record all the happenings of people on earth in one big book called the Book of Life. He is seen and mentioned in multiple scriptures of the Talmud, Aggadah, Books of Enoch, Kabbalistic Texts, and other Rabbinic Literature. He is one of very few beings who were said to have root in humanity and God “called” him to be worthy of transformation into an angelic being. According to scriptures he has been assigned special guardian of humanity and is the chief of the so-called Guardian Angels of the Nations. While his accounts vary slightly from religion to religion, one thing remains the same: he is regarded in high honor among many cultures and nations of people.

The Cube was first discovered by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci, and its three-dimensional graphics are considered to have roots in the so-called Nature’s First Pattern. Metatron’s Cube is often seen as a mystical and sacred geometric symbol. It is said to contain all the works of God’s creation along with advanced patterns to the construction of all that is. It is said this shape represents not only balance in all things, but also the pathways of God’s energy to flow through all of creation. The cube consists of 13 circles connected by a series of straight lines, forming a hexagon around a central circle (pictured above).

Metatron’s Cube consists of the following well known symbols:

  • The Spiral of Life

  • Star of David

  • The Fruit of Life

  • The Flower of Life

  • The Merkaba

  • The Egg of Life

  • The Tree of Life

  • The Vector Equilibrium

  • The Triquetra

  • Pyramids

  • The Platonic Solids

    • Tetrahedron (The four triangle faces that are associated with the element of earth)

    • Cubes (The six square faces that are associated with the element of water)

    • Octahedron (The eight triangle faces that are associated with the element of air)

    • Dodecahedron (The 12 pentagram faces associated with the element of fire)

    • Icosahedron (The 20 triangle faces that are associated with the spirit)

  • With correlations to

    • DNA

    • The Human Iris

    • Snowflake Patterns

    • The Main 7 Chakra Systems

This is only the beginning to the geometric patterns and shapes that humans have discovered within this sacred shape we refer to as Metatron’s Cube.

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