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Mini Collective Oracle Reading For The Week Of 9/2 - 9/8 (Tossed By Megan H.)

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, Collective, Collective read, Collective reading, collective message, intuition, intuitive, intuitive message, channeled message, oracle cards, dragon deck, tarot, oracle reading, rooted_Intentions, RootedIntentions,
Oracle Of The Dragonfae Deck (Oroki - Boundaries, Dragonfae of Rebirth- Whole Again, The Green Lady Of Y Draig Goch- Chosen One, The Dawn Watcher- Bells Will Ring, Melusine- Love Who You Are, The Dragonfae Goddess Tiamet- You Are Stronger Than You Think)

This week's mini collective oracle read was thrown with the “Oracle of the Dragonfae” deck. This week is all about death and rebirths, learning to choose yourself, and paying attention to the guidance that is being given.

        You have finally started to choose yourself. To set boundaries not just with other people, but with yourself. We can sometimes be our own worst enemy. So, if you haven’t learned to tell that voice in your head, that tells you that you are not good enough, to get lost this is your reminder to do just that. You are being called to love yourself even more this week.  That everything that makes you you is beautiful.

        You are being asked to take that deep dive into yourself love and your self-worth. What does that mean to you? What is your truth? The things that you have not wanted to look at about yourself are the exact things they are asking you to shine light on. You are being called to show love to all parts of you. To show compassion and acceptance to even the parts that you don’t think are lovable. Learning to embrace all parts of you will start to make you whole again. You cannot move forward if you try to leave pieces of yourself behind. You will always be brought right back until you learn to heal those parts, without shame or judgement.

        Your team wants you to Pay Attention. They are here guiding you every step of the way. If you need help, they are reminding you to just ask, and they will answer. You are stronger than you even know, and your team is right by your side protecting you through this part of your healing. As I said earlier, this is a time for death and rebirth. To shed the old you, the parts that no longer serve you, and to step into your new phase. Time to step into the rebirth energy.

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