This week's collective read was tossed with the light seer's tarot deck.
This week you may find yourself grasping at the "what's" in a desperate attempt to make logical sense of your surroundings and its energies. Pause. Don't get sucked into a battle of the minds, especially when you're the only mind playing. Let go of your need to quantify things this week and get comfortable with accepting what is in the moment. An "okay" goes a long way the next couple of days.
My team keeps saying the same phrase on repeat, "what does (blank) look like", but they are saying it from your point of view. When you ask yourself, Spirit, God, Source, The Universe, Your Team, what does (Success) look like? What does (Happiness) look like? What does (Healed) look like? My team only has one answer ever, "It looks like you". Stop looking further than yourself for your answer in life. You house everything at once, it is the mind that convinces you of lack or the inability to "do", "be", or "achieve" anything. My team goes as far as to give examples of success, and it honestly made me giggle. "You successfully woke up this morning. You drove successfully and safely to work this morning. You successfully got dressed. You successfully got breakfast...." , I think you can see where they are going with this. You embodied the energy and resonance of success and because it is already within your auric field you can easily tap into it whenever you wish.
This week may have you feeling completely incapable and feeling as though "it's one thing after another", it's not. Don't be fooled into adopting that stance and resonance within your auric field. You may find yourself having to take a step back this week to cheerlead the little things, because the big things seem to be a bear. That's okay! We live a spiral so that we can go back anytime we wish in order to go forward. You are not stuck this week although the final ripple of some excess chaos may make you feel "untethered and lost", that is the planetary illusions of the Cosmic Energy this week. Stay grounding in who you know yourself to be and let everything else pass you by.
You may experience swings in energy this week, fast pace urges and extremely slow moments of rest. Have fun with both, but listen to your energy and your body as to what it needs in the moment. You've spent far too much of your life caring and comparing to others. Push out what you think is right or correct, what you should be, and just exist this week in the moment, in the energy and frequency that is around you. Leave the worries to next week. Today needs your undivided attention.
"You are what you are, and what you are is enough!"