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Mini Collective Reading For The Week Of 3/17 -3/23 (Tossed By Erin M.)

Collective Reading, Intuitive reading, Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, Tarot Reading, Tarot cards on table.
The Tower (The Tornado), 2 of Wands (b) (Enchanted Forest), The Magician (The Mad Hatter(, Queen of Cups (The Glass Cat)

I know you see that tower card, and before you roll your eyes and take a deep breath, it’s not what you think. We are not reading these cards as the physical representations, but more as the energy in each card. 

 The energy in this week’s collective read is geared more towards those on the “outside looking in” .... for those who realize the “storm” (The Tornado Card) isn’t here to destroy you, it's here to show you what you’re still gripping on to.  The “wind” only feels violent when you resist, but it simply moves through when you let go.

Without a doubt there is intensity and amplification in the energy right now.  It’s "mirroring" how we interpret and perceive energy and how it affects our thoughts, the way we innerstand and how we communicate right now from that inner perspective.  For some it is amplifying clarity, almost to the point of it feeling surreal.  For others it's amplifying distortion.

This week’s toss shows a split…two very distinct perspectives, or frequencies that many seem to be anchored in right now.  The “lens from neutrality” (The Glass Cat Card) … The ones who have stepped outside the game, watching the old constructs crumble without attachment. You’re not participating in the chaos, yet you see it all right now.  The energy doesn’t pull you in because there’s nothing left within you for it to hook into.   

And then there’s the other perspective, the “lens from attachment” (The Mad Hatter). Those still reinforcing their identity built on distortion and illusion. They’re grasping, projecting, and amplifying because the crumbling of illusions feels like they themselves are crumbling, the energy is calling them out, challenging them and the narratives they have held onto so tightly...and their resistance is what’s making it louder.  They’re clinging harder to the stories that uphold their version of reality.

But those experiencing the clarity…watching the “storm”, but not necessarily in the “storm” …those standing in their power…you are simply not participating.  You’re observing the obvious split right now. The ones still feeding the illusions, still holding on for dear life to their old stories versus the ones who have starved it out by refusing to engage.  You realize that it only stays “alive” if you engage, if you fuel it, if you react to it.  It’s like you see the chess pieces move, but you’re not playing. Your mere presence is a disruption.  Your neutrality, your peace, your authenticity, your knowing is felt.  The “old tiring narratives”, no longer suck you back in. 

This week’s collective read is meant to be more of a confirmation for those almost stunned by the clarity right now.  Nothing is wrong…. don’t get stuck in your head and remember your participation is what keeps things “alive”. What you’re observing is the difference between “being” and “holding on” .... between being who you say you are and living inauthentically.  Don’t get sucked into participating in the Mad Hatter's Tea Party my friends...that's an invitation you will want to pass on.

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