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Mini Collective Tarot Reading For The Week Of 1/27 - 2/2 (Tossed By Erika M)

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, collective message, tarot, spirituality, tarot read, collective reading
King of Wands(r), Hanged Man(b), King of Pentacles(b), The Sun(r), Strength(r)

This week's collective read is all about patience within the art of perspectives. I just keep hearing "sit back". "Sit back and watch it all unfold". You are not blind, nor deaf, nor dumb, you know that and yet others around you seem to forget. People be playing in your face right now, LET THEM! Sit back, so much of these collective energies and "Timelines" are right on top of each other in a merger point right now. So close that the things you are witnessing you may find yourself asking "I thought we were past this", or "I thought this was over". As the past collides with the present, over-lapping the future you are seeing everything in one place, within one moment, at one time. Have you noticed that how you relate to what you are witnessing has been and will continue to be key this week.

People will be trying your patience as well as your last nerve, SMILE. Laugh. It's the last part of it all. I keep being shown this cube that's sides keep falling open, and with every edge collapsing it's pulling up new corners. I just keep hearing the words "Pandora's World" and "Unfolding". Which version of you are you responding with? Make no mistake you are prepared, and nothing is catching you by surprise this week because you've been clocking and tracking the energy behind this "unfolding" for a while now. To fight against the noise, you have to be quiet enough to hear your own sound and trust it. Quiet as in energy, not volume. Structure and Stillness over CHOAS and DRAMA this week. Keep telling yourself you are observing the energy at play and the players themselves.

You do not own the board, nor the pieces so keep pushing. Be careful not to get sucked into energy that you don't prefer and especially the past coming back with a new mask this week. Every merger point brings both new beginnings and endings. I feel the need to tell someone, not to get in the way trying to "save someone" from the natural consequences of their actions and their energy this week. They need their lessons, just like you've had yours. Who are you to decide for anyone else which lessons are needed.

As grounded and confident as you have become, your practical brain isn't what is needed this week, your "feelers" are. Trust what you feel, what flags are raised, and what feels familiar this week may just be the past with new eyes. Discernment is key. YOUR discernment, not your neighbors. As my middle school teacher used to say, it's an open book test, not an open friend test. You already have your answer, trust it B.

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