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Mini Collective Tarot Reading For The Week Of 10/21 - 10/27 (Tossed By Erika M.)

CHild_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, collective message, collective read, tarot, oracle, tarot reading, intuition, intuitive message, channeled message, intuitive
Slavic Deck (The Devil, The Empress-R, The Emperor-R, Five of Wands, The Lovers-B, Seven of Wands-B)

Deep breaths this week everybody. This collective tarot reading was thrown with my Slavic Legends deck. It's not the battles outside of you this week, but it's the ones that have been highlighted within you. This Full moon had brought out a lot of truth, bullshit, and at the very least awareness to a lot of patterns of behavior and self-sabotaging actions. This week is all about righting your inner scales. Standing up to your inner critic, your inner bully, and bringing both your masculine side and your feminine sides together again, on honest common ground.

We have allowed the masculine energy far too much rope, of which he has hung himself. You are what is holding you back and no one else at this point. Your perspectives and your closedmindedness have been keeping you feeling stuck and confined like you have no way out of the "perceived mess you've made". I keep hearing do not be fooled by parlor tricks this week. Your warrior energy will want to fight its way out of things, a lot especially when provoked. You'll need to quench that fire energy just a little bit, be mindful of your tongue and where you place your thoughts. Fire will burn hot, fast, and hard this week if not kept in balance. Things may go two to ten quickly. I'm hearing "in the blink of an eye". Your mind may play tricks on you, baiting you back into old patterns of over thinking and forcing your masculine energy to want to analyze, critic, and scope out everything before proceeding forward with anything. Be cautious, too much of anything isn't good.

Do not turn away from your feminine energy just because the full moon is over. She needs to remain on her throne and in command equally this week as "obstacles" and interactions will be needing her soft nurturing touch. Her strength and faith are what makes up for the masculine's obsessive need to overdo it. These next few days will test your ability to "roll with the punches" and remain whole, giving to yourself along the way, more then you may have been doing in the past. I keep hearing "your heart requires more attention, more care". Allow your feminine energy to assert more of her presence as we move into the next week. Dive deeper into your instincts and be listening to that quiet inner voice. There is more to her than meets the eye, your time of undercutting her use, place, and what she brings to the table when it comes to her energy is over. It is her time to be heard loud and clear!

You've continuously taught yourself one step at a time how to stand up to those around you, and you have spent the last few months putting that very thing into tangible practice. But what do you do when the thing you now need to stand up to is YOU?! How you speak to yourself and what you allow within your mind, body, and energy is up to you. But the teams are calling for a fresh start, one where not everything is met with inner resistance from your energies. Do not make an enemy of your feminine this week, but make her your chosen ally. You must craft your own peace, and it starts with this.

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