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Mini Collective Oracle Reading For The Week of 10/28 - 11/3 (Tossed by Erin M.)

Child_Of_Balanace, Childofbalance, Keys_Of_Wisdom369, Collective, collective message, channeled message, intuition, intuitive, intuitive message
Dream Thief-Refusal Of The Call, Perfect Storm- The Courage To Step Into Life, The Crossing-Initiation

The entire collective is sitting in an energy of "initiation" currently. And my team talks about initiations as a time of intense growth...sometimes like it or not.

This energy has people questioning things in their lives in many polarities. Some wondering if they are living in a dream, while others experiencing fears or living their "worst nightmares"

 Regardless of where you may sit on an individual level, all of this energy is rooted in where do you still have limiting beliefs. Where are you refusing to answer the call in terms of acceptance in your life? 

My team is adamant, again regardless of the individual energy in which you sit, of "how much more do you need to see", before you are willing to take action in your life to change things.

This energy continues to build and crescendo for the collective as more and more is coming to the surface to be challenged. Everything going on around outside you is currently acting as a catalyst for you. You may be seeing and experiencing things from the "past" come back around and my team is strongly cautioning people to let go of the label of the past right now. Anything that is happening for you currently, is in fact your present. Your past doesn't "cease to exist", you choose to align differently, thus no longer creating the same experiences for yourself. The energy you once aligned with is always available to you, but you may have to "lower" your vibration to entertain that kind of energy. 

If you feel like you are being drug through life right now holding on for dear life, you are being shown the spaces, people, and situations that you need to untether to. The energies of judgement, comparison, lack, self-worth, external validation, and self-sabotage keep revealing themselves on repeat. What are we holding onto that is rooted in fear in regard to safety, security, and stability in our lives because it's all we've ever known. These limiting beliefs are ready to be confronted once and for all, so you can step into a new version of yourself. You can choose to release, or you can continue to get drug and have what feels like tower moment after tower moment...confrontation after confrontation, until you shatter these limiting beliefs.

On the other side of the collective...there is this alignment of "knowing" being tested. The more you begin to realize that you are the source of everything in your life and you continue to align with the "knowing" that whatever is for you is already are watching things materialize in your life at rapid rates. You are being asked right now, do you really trust yourself? Do you trust what you are capable of...the magic that is YOU? Do you truly KNOW your worth? The Universe has been showing you EXACTLY what you are capable of creating for yourself. So much so, you may find yourself asking "is this real life?"  Have you seen enough to truly trust in the energy of "knowing" or are you still needing "proof"? There is a magnifying glass being held over those last few remaining limited beliefs. Where are you still selling yourself short?  What have you outgrown, but still haven't fully released? Why is the "knowing" not enough? 

The Universe is currently clearing paths for everyone, but we must always remember what we aren't changing, we are choosing. 

The energy, astrologically speaking, is going to get real wild and real feral in these streets over the next couple of weeks. Accept what you are being shown in your life, let others make their own decisions. Do not fight the "let go"....don't chase things that are no longer good for you, that don't align with what you are trying to create. Now is a time for the collective to choose...evolve or repeat, because your current choices will ripple for the next 6 months. 

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