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Mini Collective Tarot Reading For The Week Of 11/11 -11/17 (Tossed By Erin M.)

Child_Of_Balance, Keys_Of_Wisdom369, tarot, collective message, collective reading
Two of Swords, The Devil-b, Three of Pentacles, Awakening

Courage lies not in what we hold onto, but what we are willing to let fall, and with that being said, this week's collective tarot read is heavy in the energy of self-evaluation and limiting beliefs. It's time to lay down the "swords" and put down the masks of who and what we are "supposed" to be and start addressing the elephant in the room...fear. The fears of being judged, or that you'll be misunderstood if you go against the grain, that you might "lose" someone or something...the fear of disappointment, of rejection...the fear of it not working out (or even the fear of what if it does). 


The energy right now is heavy in triggers, but that's because triggers are our teachers. This current "spotlight" in the energy seems to be illuminating them all at once, to help us gain awareness of where we've been resisting against the lesson. It's asking us to take FULL responsibility for our actions and realize that our perceived constraints are self-imposed. It's helping us dismantle the illusions that power and control are outside of us and bring that awareness that you are in fact the source of EVERYTHING. It's your thoughts and actions that manifest into the physical reality that you experience. That whole who idea that your mindset creates your reality, wasn't a lie.

You're being asked to pause this week, disconnect from the all the outside noise and stop trying to make sense of the chaos of others. What energy are YOU currently resonating with? What emotions are you experiencing? Are you fueling? What's the energy like that you are connecting with around you (i.e. people, situations)? Take a real look at YOUR own energy. Everything around you is a reflection of YOU...the Universe gives you what you are NOT what you want. The only way to change your reality is to change stop searching outside yourself for what you think you need and become what you need for yourself and in doing so you will shift everything in your life. Utilize the energy and give yourself permission to release the old experiences, you know you've had enough of that "same shit, different day" energy. Give yourself permission to finally just be YOU. Not the you that you thought you had to be out fear. That greater connection and purpose you're seeking, only comes from being authentically you, but to be authentically you, you have to stop aligning and entertaining what's not. 

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