Withdrawn, even amongst all the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, you may find yourself asking just where did all of December go? This week's collective tarot reading is only just skimming the surface by this week's cards display. You may find yourself being called inward, but not on some grand revolution or self, or even a large release, but rather to sit in silence. You may find yourself even when surrounded by many to be slightly reserved, which for some may be out of character from the passion and confidence you have recently recultivated. Grounded energy will be extremely important this week.
I want to tell someone not to be baited. Your lack of a response and lack of a reaction is response enough, and I don't know who needs to be reminded of that. Not everything is deserving of your energy and this week there will be clear assertion of that very fact. I am feeling an undertone of apprehension within this week's collective, which is interesting to say the least. I want to remind you yet again to stay within your present moment. I cannot stress enough YOUR present moment. Not the lives, or moments of others, but rather yourself. Central focus this week will be beneficial to you. I don't know who is in this collective almost dreading the holiday get together, but please release your mind from the need to anticipate failures, disruptions, and gossip that may find its way once again around the river bend and to your shores. Remind yourself just who you are please. Grounded, mature, stable (to the point of being unrockable and unfuckable with), and someone's whose foundations have proven themselves thus far.
Set struggle aside and simmer down the inner flames of anticipation and the need/want to avoid issues that you find yourself not only on the lookout for, but also unintentionally manifesting. Please remind yourself just how powerful you are. Now remind yourself to use your power this week in your favor. Stop crafting events for yourself to overcome out of anxiety. The stillness you may feel within the next few days is not to be feared, but embraced. It is the peace you have been looking forward to, instead of beating it with a boom allow it to show you a new form of clarity. New perspectives are being thrust upon you this week as you not only mingle with old energy, but also step back into familiar territory. But before you jump to conclusions, observe. You're not the only one whom has changed. Remain open minded and remember your hard work is already done this week. Enjoy yourself!
Some may not be able to change their perspective of you, from your younger version, from your less mature version, from your less healed chaotic version, that is okay. Other people's perspective of you is not your concern. Be mindful of playing in the perspectives of others, remember they warned you to stay in YOUR present moment. There will always be those who commend you and those who criticize you, accept both, but take none too seriously. This victory was meant to be for yourself and no one else. Notice how the chaos around you no longer bleeds into your energy when you are the grounded pillar. You have your light, you no longer need the light of others. This week is meant to show you how far you have come and what you still have left to focus on.
Stay grounded and out of your head. Embrace the quiet when you find yourself able. No mask is needed to see yourself through the perceived "hard times". Be who you've cultivated! Celebrate yourself and your victory through growth and success. It's the culmination point you never thought you'd get to. Embrace this WIN collective!