Believe nothing and question everything is the energy in this week's collective reading. The "awakening journey" journey is that of expansion, but first one must be brave enough to challenge everything they think they "know". You will often hear us say "we know nothing"....I personally operate under that as if I wasn't there, didn't experience it firsthand than how in fact to I "know" it go be true. Often beliefs, programing, conditioning, etc. can be like a game of "telephone", if you pause long enough to really contemplate all the energies and individual belief systems it was filtered through until it made its way into YOUR awareness.
What are YOU adding to the collective energy right now? There is a "call to action" present right now, "own your energy because you can't fake your resonance". It's call out season for the collective with so many outside distractions, and everyone is being shown clear as day what they are choosing as their "alignment", their "timeline" based in what they resonate with.
Just because you don't like an experience doesn't mean it doesn't in fact resonate with the current vibration in which you sit. Is your focus on yourself or is it on all the things outside you? Are you rooted in judgement (of yourself or others), because what you continue to judge will continue to create "karmic loops", cycles or patterns for you to learn from. Are you able to discern the energy for yourself right now? Are you able to question the deeper truths that exist or are you only operating from a lens at surface level? Are you able to ask yourself where does this "truth" come from that I hold on to so tightly...is it given to you by "man", does it imply if you don't do "this", then something "bad" or undesirable will happen to you?
It's time to look at beliefs from the frequency is which they actually resonate...for what you believe in, what you attach to becomes what you in fact resonate with and the energy that you cocreate from.
Everything, yes, everything, is an opportunity to question, expand, learn, and experience. Your triggers are your teachers, what offends you is leading you back to a belief and allowing you a chance to gain awareness into something so much deeper. Now is the time to take inventory of your experiences. Do you like what you are currently experiencing? If not, what are YOU going to do about for yourself, on an individual level. Are you aligning with your higher self or are you adding to the collective "fear mongering". Now is a good time to remember the quote "there is nothing to fear but fear itself". And if you can pause for just a moment and unpack fears for a second, do we all have the same fears? Even on a simple level? One may be afraid of heights, another spiders, another small spaces...some fear specific people...but ask yourself is that everyone's fear? That is not to invalidate anyone's experience, but leads to a level of understanding that experiences and perceptions are filtered on an individual level.
There are many "levels" to the "awakening journey", or simply put, the expanding of consciousness. It is never "one and done", and the second you stop questioning or challenging things, you have created a limit for yourself. In order to expand, you must first become aware, and the collective energy will only continue to amp and facilitate foundational shaking awareness. This is where growth happens. Change is constant, we are the ones who create resistance.
Whether you currently feeling like you're expanding or drowning in this present energy, the life and experiences you want and desire, require you to leave the old ways of thinking and doing behind. You can't step into your full power while picking and choosing what limiting beliefs systems and constructs you align with.
This week, each time you encounter something you deem "challenging", stop for a second and ask yourself, "how would I normally handle something like this"...now you have identified your pattern and now you can choose a different response, even if it seems uncomfortable. Your intuition and discernment are two of your most powerful gifts, but first you must remove what clouds them like fear, feeling unsafe, instability, insecurities, etc. You must learn how to create those for yourself and then you will not seek them from things outside of you.
Stop co-creating experiences you don't prefer. Take an honest and hard look at what you're truly resonating with in life. What are you filling your mind with? What is the energy in the conversations you're having? What is the energy of the inner monolog you having with yourself? This will lead you to the energy and vibration in which you currently sit. Challenge, question and let go of the things that don't align and resonate with what you are trying to create in your life.
Energy never lies.