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Mini Oracle Read For The Week of 10/30- 11/5 (Tossed by Erika M.)

(Photo Credit Erika M.)

This week's mini oracle read was tossed using the Shaman Oracle deck. At first, they're talking about your power, your inner strength, they are saying it's coming and flowing directly from the Divine, directly from Source, directly from the Angels, and their upper vibrational realm. They are saying it is woven intricately into your DNA and up until this point you may have been unaware. You are being asked to wield and use this divine power accordingly. You have been questioning your purpose and your destiny, for you may feel like you are not fully sure of what exactly it is yet. You are being asked to lose the tight grip you have on the idea of knowing of what it's going to physically look like. Lose the expectation you're trying so desperately to place on it and just allow it to all unfold naturally. All in Divine Timing!

They're calling you to trust not only yourself, but the Divine guiding you in this moment. They realize that this is difficult for you, because you're very logical, rational, practical person, and you almost need to "see it to believe it". But they're saying unfortunately, this is one of the many lessons this go around and you're going to have to "believe it before you see it". Spirit is actively calling you in to a standstill. But it's more of a moment of free communication. They're urging you into communication directly with Source, directly with Spirit. They're asking you to meditate, pulling towards you, your higher self, which will directly lead you to your divine pathway. They understand and they know this is difficult, because you feel like you need to see where you're going. They're reminding you even though it will feel like you have no maps in hand, and you will feel like you're in the dark for part of it, this is where the test of faith comes in. Even if they told you everything, you wouldn't believe it. You have to utilize the faith that you've been cultivating.

"The Drum", cards out here and there's two messages with it. It's about not being afraid of beating to your own drum, realizing that when you do you are in your authenticity. But also, while you are banging your drum to your own beat, you are also banging the drum in synchronicity with the Earth, in synchronicity with the Divine Realm. You are doing exactly as you should, and you are being asked to almost head into this journey a little bit "naked and afraid", but continue forward knowing that you have the wisdom of the white owl on your side. The white owl is directly linked to, not only wisdom and knowledge, but your third eye and white, representing the very high frequency realm of divine love, abundance, and the Angels. They're once again asking you to cast aside all doubt, because up until this point they understand the doubts you've had, and they're asking you to go forward without them. They're saying use the standstill moment to your benefit. Release what you need to release because it's almost like it's now or never. They're saying like hurry up, almost hurry up, knuckle down, and do what you gotta do.

They have you out as more of like a "way maker". It's taken a lot to get to this point. This standstill is also talking and dealing with a lot of realizations that have come in slow and steady, but they've been very emotional and they're talking about shedding all of that and leaving that on the mountain top. Do not take it back down the mountain with you! You carried it up as a burden. You no longer need to carry it down the mountain. They're asking you to trust in them. They're asking you to release your burdens, to share with them, to lighten your load. They're saying you're going to have to pack light and move fast on this journey, which means you're not going to have a lot of time to sit and analyze. So, they're saying do your analysis now! They're humoring your "human side" and they're saying do your analysis now, because when you're in the middle of this journey, they're saying "kid, there's not going to be time for second guessing and confusion you're going to have to hit the ground running". In the blink of an eye decisions will be made and you'll be moving in trust, not questioning what the Divine is telling you to do.

They are again saying they know that this is going to be hard for you, because you are a questioner by nature, that you truly do wish to understand everything. But they're saying this is part of your "trust fall", is trusting when you don't have the full picture, but using energetic discernment and knowing who to trust. When everything starts coming in and you're on your pathway with no map in the dark, they're going to give you signs, but you'll need to be quiet, you'll need to be still, and you'll need to be ready to receive. You need to not fear all the movement that will come with this journey, for it leads you back home! Back to Source! Back to Oneness! Back to Balance!

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