(Photo Credit Erin M.)
This week's mini oracle read was thrown with Mystical Journey Oracle Deck and is all about breaking free from the war within. The first card out in our spread is the "Breaking Free" card, which bears the number 32, which breaks down to 5. The number 5 has been showing up a lot for this collective as it symbolizes change and forward movement. As the "wheel" moves on both individual and collective levels, many are experiencing what team is referring to as a "karmic clearing" of energy as many are experiencing ends to abusive cycles or a "power shift" in the dynamic of your current relationships.
The "Break Free" card and the second card in our spread "Life Review", absolutely go hand in hand as many embarked on a journey inward in the recent weeks and entered into a state of transparency with themselves that they had never reached before. In the course of this review, my team is referring to a "truce" being called between the heart and the mind as many chose to confront some of their most painful wounds. The things you thought you couldn't face, the actions you thought you couldn't take, the words you thought you couldn't speak. You chose to honestly take a raw inventory and ask yourself why you thought you deserved to keep on like this. This card bears the number 36, which breaks down to 9. 9 represents completion and is just a further confirmation that this time of reflection and review led to a catalyst moment for many, which carries us right into our final card in this week's spread "Rising Up". There is no doubt for many that there is a major shift going on within the collective, a turning of tables as the crumbling of old narratives and self-sabotaging behavior is being purged. For those who have learned to harness the power that comes from being in the seat of the observer, you can see the rising in those choosing to take their power back and let the mask of victim fall away for good. For many your world feels like it's been turned upside down, but you have found your peace amongst the chaos. My team is saying "a way was cleared for you" and this time you chose that bold step forward without hesitation, without second guessing yourself. The #11 on this card, broken down into 2 is symbolic of choice and that this was a moment that I refer to in my space as "when you know better, you do better". There is a huge "balancing of the scales" taking place in the collective currently and you are being asked to continue this forward movement and remember that things only change when you are willing to "move differently".
For Anyone Interested in the Deck Used for this toss, Click Button Below: