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Mini Oracle Reading for the Week of 12/11 - 12/17 (Tossed by Erika M.)

(Photo Credit Erika M.)

This week's mini Oracle reading was thrown using a new deck, "Into The Lonely Woods". We have been on a precipise of a massive shift within the collective for about a week or so now. This shift has caused a ripple effect amongst many of not only past review, but of emotional disruptions. You are being called back into yourself. You are being called deep into your shadow. Deep into your intuition. Deep into all that drives you. You are being asked to go inward and find what your soul craves the most. Your authentic self holds the answer. The trick is uncovering your authentic self and allowing yourself to become emersed. This is the freedom that the first card out holds. Our "Night Life" is our Authentic selves that we have locked away from the light. In this moment you are being asked to be all that you truly are and more. No more hiding! No more shunning away the best parts of yourself. Your wisdom, strength, and love resides within your darkness. Once you realize that you are the darkness, you realize that you are never truly alone, but surrounded by friends. You are understood by Spirit, and for now that is enough.

Your heart holds within it your light. Make no mistake, your light is your pathfinder, your beacon. Now that you have become comfortable within your darkness, your team is asking you to shine bright! The time for pause is over! The time for movement is now. However, you now realize that while you were following others, you ignored yourself. Spirit is reminding you that your light is the only beacon meant to guide you on your truest of pathways. Nobody else's light can shine the way for your soul! But your light can help others in finding the strength within to use theirs! You are a wayshower to many others. I know right now it may not seem that way at all, but soon, very soon, you will see all the proof you need. But first you must trust your inner light to guide you, your soul. You must find peace and balance in knowing that at any given moment you are right where you need to be. All in Divine Timing!

Soon, very soon, in the near future you will be so comfortable walking this path of destiny alone that you will no longer miss or long for the company of others. It is than that you will be given such comforts. For than you can truly treasure them for what place they hold in your existence. The time to share with others will come when you least expect it and will ignite a fire within that the collective can use to amplify the love and community many are seeking. You will find fullfillment within friends and soul family. It is at this point where you will find oneness and Universal truth. You are the Love and the Beacon that the world needed all along, you just needed to find it within yourself first, before you could share it with others.

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