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Mini Oracle Reading For The Week Of 6/24 - 6/30 (Tossed By Erin)

Child_Of_Balance, CHildofbalance, Keys_Of_Wisdom369, Keysofwisdom369, intuitive, intuition, intuitive message, channeled, channeled message, collective, collective message, random message, tarot, tarot cards, tarot message, oracle, oracle reading, oracle message, shaman dream oracle deck, hollow bone, covenant, eye of the needle, magicians sword, teachability, sacred contract, intentionality, confidence in your magic, healing, healing journey, clarity, growth
Shaman Dream Oracle Deck (Hollow Bone- Teachability, Covenant- Sacred Contract, Eye Of The Needle- Intentionality, Magician's Sword- Confidence In Your Magic)

This week's oracle reading was tossed with the Shaman of Dreams Oracle Deck

(From left to right Hollow Bone, Sacred Covenant, Eye of the Needle and The Magician's Sword).

If you've been feeling are...and for a portion of the collective it's almost like you feel like you're at you're breaking point as you're fighting through energy that doesn't necessarily belong to you. Spirit, God, Creator, the Universe (whatever your understanding is in that space) is asking you "how teachable are you?" It is often in our greatest trials that we forge a new path, gain clarity, turn our pain into not only power, but purpose, and find a strength we didn't know possible to keep moving forward.

Right now, you are being asked to pause and evaluate the burdens you may unintentionally be carrying. Unconditional love, understanding, and grace doesn't mean unconditional tolerance for the people or who things around you. It means having the courage to enforce your boundaries, to allow necessary things to "come to an end" and to move out of spaces where we once constantly had to defend ourselves.

We aren't responsible for the emotions, the wounds, or the healing of others. Change begins with us, and it begins when we have the courage to say, "I will not keep doing the same things anymore." So many people are currently "fulfilling contracts" and beginning new ones in their life. Relationships with self, with others, name it...they are all being redefined and rewritten. Many are embracing their "know better do better" moments fully and stepping into a level of authenticity they never knew existed. So often people don't realize that authenticity isn't necessarily discovering who you are, but instead realizing everything that you are not...and taking off the masks acquired throughout your life when you tried to fit into what the world and everyone around you expected you to be.

This is an "Eye of the Needle" moment for so many...but in order to "pass through" you must have the courage to fully surrender the "old ways" of doing things. No more defending yourself where your worth isn't recognized, no longer playing small on the terms of others, fully releasing the past, and no longer letting it control your present. You are being called to step into the energy of change even if you don't know what comes next and doing it with confidence. It's time to unleash the "magic" of who you truly are unapologetically and realize that your "weirdness", your uniqueness, is a gift within itself. Your healing has manifested in physical form, this current version of you, and it's time to reintroduce yourself to the world and explore this new path you created.

For Anyone Interested In This Deck, Click Links Below:


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