This week's collective oracle reading was tossed using the Wild Mystic Oracle Deck. Not often does my team only throw one card, especially out of this deck in particular, so they peaked my attention with this choice to say the least.
This is who you are at your core. Sacred! This is all that you WERE. All that you ARE. And all that you WILL BE. Sacred! You sit firmly right now in the center of your Cosmic Web of Karmic Fate, both by design and by chance. All things are connected and woven into the fabric of your existence. Up until this point, you have been neglecting your place among things. At times trying to overshadow, by placing yourself front and center, and at other times trying to fade away into the background, hoping to go unnoticed. You have a past of being inconsistent with your light, for you didn't always see the true value in it. At times even refusing to consult it at all.
I keep hearing "the 5 points of purpose" and "the 5 points of connection" as I write this out. For it is the balance of all things that you are cultivating now. All circles complete by themselves, but together form the sacred dance of balance in life. I'm being pulled hard to the balance of the etherical and the physical here. The five elements play a part for some as you are beginning to innerstand your physical world on a deeper more in tune level, while at the same time recognizing your own individual divinity. This week you will be tested. It will require your three pillars to come together as one energy to overcome the coming week. Mind, Body, and Soul will not only need to be in harmony, but also all be consulted and communicating, not only with you, but each other, for your decisions this week.
You will be tested from your past by people in your present. Don't be surprised if the Universe throws an old pattern back at you or maybe even an old person or situation. You are being tested in old waters, in old energy, in old cycles to truly see if you are stable within yourself to continue moving forward. Do Not Be Fooled, you are not going backwards, and nothing is falling apart. Everything is as it should be this week. You are reaching a point of harmony and an era of completion within self this week. But no lesson is complete without first a small test or two, so take it on in faith that these "battle" are small hurdles for you to see just how far you have come. For you to truly see your light, growth, and beauty in a whole new way.
I feel like you have been uncrushable, unstoppable, and unkillable lately. You are being reminded of your persistence and your resilience this week. Remember, you need no light tower, for you are your own star. Your own beacon, leading you HOME. Leading you forward and shining a light on your own footfalls. To follow your star, you must realize it is not outside of you, but rather is YOU. In your essence, in your authenticity, in your soul. Sacred, Centered, and Always Beaming! When you get "lost" or feel "conflicted" this week by what occurs around you, travel inward and look toward your inner beacon. Consult your three pillars and your five points of purpose, for there you will find your answer. At times when we hold the flashlight, we can only see a few steps ahead and not the whole path. Stop trying to peek so far ahead. Stay focused on the present this week as you elevate and close out old cycles, old ways of thinking, old images of self, and old constructs to make way for NEW.
For Anyone Interested in the Deck Used For This Toss, Click Buttons Below: