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Mini Tarot Read for the Week of 10/2 - 10/8 (Tossed by Megan H.)

(Photo Credit Megan H.)

The first thing in this mini tarot read for the week of Oct 1st-8th, I notice was the number 3. The number "3" here is representing joy wisdom, good fortune, optimism, creativity, inspiration, self -reliance, also the body, mind, and soul connection. (Check Out Erin M's Blog Post on Numerology for More Info). So, the first card the "Three of Earth", here he is planting his seeds in peace with the Universe. This says to me that you have planted your seeds and you have started your foundations. By sowing your seedings you have done the groundwork necessary to move you into the next part of your journey. It is time to reap what you have sown.

Which leads me right to the next card the "Three of Water", and right off jump you see she has broken her bonds. All those things that you have allowed to hold you back, if you haven’t yet, it is time to break free and look towards your future. She is happy and nothing is stopping her from focusing on what’s in front of her with no worry of what was in the past. She flows easy in the water, gracefully moving forward. This ties right back to the foundation that you planted in the first card. They are both telling me that you have found that balance of body, mind, and soul with the number 3. You have done the work, and it is time to look for your good fortune.

The next card "The Five of Earth", the trickster. I take this as a little bit of a warning. A warning to be careful with the power that you hold with newfound success and happiness. This to me is either a warning of your actions towards others or possibly a trickster that may try to sabotage your foundation and success. So be careful with other people's feeling, you don’t want to hurt anyone with your actions or words. Also, be on the lookout for anything, whether in business or in life, that seems too easy, “fast money”. Be careful, of the trickster with cards in one hand while concealing jewels in the other. Make sure to tap into that intuition when something doesn’t seem right.

Finally, the last card "Emotions", this card is a big one. This card reminds you of the balance between light and dark, the good feelings, and the bad ones. Here she holds a sword balanced in her hand with a dragon of light and a dragon of dark. This card tells me that all feelings are necessary, that you can no longer burry those feelings that hurt or don’t feel good. It is time to acknowledge them and bring them to balance. They are a part of you, your shadow self is a part of you and to suppress it can cause dis-ease. You need all parts of you to be whole and balanced. Positivity can change your outlook on many things, so be aware of how you speak about yourself or your feelings.

This toss to me is kind of a past, present, future reading, with a focus on remembering to balance your emotions through it all. You have planted your seeds and started your foundation. As things start to grow for you, you are learning to break those bounds that have held you back in the past. While looking toward the future and not focusing on the past. While doing all this, remember to being careful of the trickster that may be lurking around you. Remembering that other people have feelings, as well as, you and to not intentionally hurt them. Through all of this remembering to address any bad feelings that may come up. To acknowledge ALL of your feelings because they are all apart of you.

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