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Mini Tarot Reading For The Week of 12/18 -12/24 (Tossed by Erin M.)

(Photo Credit Erin M.)

This week’s mini read was thrown with The Sacred Web tarot deck and brings a message of faith, courage, and perseverance as you navigate through your heart space. 

We start this week’s spread with the "Strength" card and it brings with it the message of faith and perseverance.  The energy of this card is embracing the warrior within and the strength and courage that it takes to walk your authentic path and continue on your journey of self-discovery.  I was immediately drawn to the swords on either side of the lion and my team immediately said that you have stopped fighting your war within.  You are no longer running from your fears, you are feeling your way through them.  The same empathy and grace you’ve been known to show others, you are now showing yourself. Which transitions us into our next card, "The Source of Water".  The Suit of Water in this deck is the Healer.  You are being called to go within and utilize the energy you have so freely given outside of yourself and start putting it to use, in how you love and understand yourself. This card reminds you that your heart is the sacred home of your soul, and to let go of expectation and shift to a perspective that reflects grace and gratitude. The Source of Water is calling you to truly harness that power of your intuition as you have made the decision to move from overthinking everything in your life to “feeling” your way through. One step at a time.  As you release these expectations of self, you begin to move more authentically and you find that you are “questioning” yourself less. This is a period of release and surrender, which we all know have been recurring themes in the collective energy these days as you let go of the idea of what you “should be” and allow yourself to discover who you truly are.  This is the shedding of the masks, the opinions of others, belief systems, and constructs that no longer align for you. Through this act of letting go, you’re opening yourself up to allow new experiences to make their way into your life.  

This leads us to the third card in our spread, "the Magician", which brings the message of “homecoming” with it.  You are finally starting to feel “at home” with yourself.  You’re transitioning out of the second guessing of decisions you make and you’re leading from your heart. You know in your soul the transformation that you have been experiencing for quite some time now and you feel a sense of peace within yourself.  You have an appreciation for the versions of you that have led you to this very moment and the intricate detail of the spider web on this card depicts all the defining moments that create the fabric of your life. You’re “moving” in a different kind of energy now, you're taking leaps of faiths, you’re no longer fighting with yourself to control every detail and aspect of your life.  You’re learning how to go with the flow vs swimming against the current. The peace that you’ve found has become a treasure and you guard it fiercely.

The final card this week is the "9 of Fire" and it brings with it a call to action as you are now leading from your heart space.  There’s an energy of “let me reintroduce myself”, but not in an arrogant way, but more from the sense of standing in your truth.  What you know to be true for yourself may not be the same for others. Will you continue to move forward on your path as your authentic self, speaking your truth, and standing your ground or will the perceptions or “push back” of others cause you to waiver and question yourself and who you have fought so hard to become? The 9 of Fire leaves us with a final reminder: although we may all be at different places in our individual journeys, we must never forget that we are all interconnected.  Learning to lead from your heart means embodying grace, kindness, and letting go of the need to judge others as well as ourselves as we move along our paths. We all come to peace with our shadows at different points, but now that you have found peace within, now that you embody the energy of “ I am Enough”, you’re being called to lead by example and allow your energy to ripple out into the collective.

For anyone interested in the deck used for this toss, click button below:

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