(Photo Credit Megan H.)
This week's tarot reading, was thrown with "The Green Witch" tarot deck. First, we have the "page pentacles" this to me shows youthfulness, magic, and creation. He is discovering his power his magic and is enjoying it. He is crafting what could be his life's work. He has his dog with him, which symbolizes that he is protected and playful. He is using his imagination and creativity to craft his masterpiece. You have, or are, starting to find your magic, what makes you happy, your true self. It is time to bring that innerchild and imagination to the surface to create your “life’s work”. This could be a new awareness of healing that may need to happen or even a business that you have been wanting to start. It is time to bring out that inner light and have fun, create, and heal.
Then you have the “eight of pentacles” here it shows me an older man that has perfected his craft. He, lovingly, is working on his project with such skill and mastery. He has spent his years crafting it, from the young child, to be his “life’s work”. The dove in the window says to me that he has weathered many storms. It also suggests that security should be tightened around the house. Finding that magic inside of you will help you to be free to build the business and the life that you want. Learning your craft and healing will not come without “storms”, as the dove in the window suggests, but from the young child to the old man he has never lost the joy and love for what he is crafting. It is time to let go and find that magic. Time to discover your true self. Even when times get hard, or “storms” arise it won’t change the inner work and joy you have inside of you.
The “four of pentacles” here he has used his craft to build his home, security, and wealth. It has been slow and steady, which is suggested by the tortoise. He is rearranging his projects that he has put on his wall, to me it says that it may be time to change things up. This card to me reads more like a future card. Learning what makes you happy and using that magic inside of you along with your imagination can led to your abundance, but there should always be movement. It is ok to change things up. Sometimes when you reach a certain point you realize you have outgrown where you are at. There is also someone at his door, which says to me to remember to not seclude yourself. Sometimes socializing can bring new ideas and great joy into your life.
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