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Mini Tarot Reading For The Week Of 3/11 - 3/17 (Tossed By Erin M.)

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Collective Tarot Read for the Week of 3/11-3/17 (Tossed by Erin M./Photo Credit Erin M.)

This week's tarot read brings with it some serious fire energy, as a portion of the collective is coming out swinging.  As I was shuffling for this week's read 1 card in particular kept falling out, the "Breaking Free" card and I kept hearing the lyrics from the song Tubthumping, " I get knocked down, but I get back up again, you're never gonna keep me down."   The energy has been a little wild lately, with this new moon energy we are being given an opportunity to really ask ourselves the tough questions and stop pointing the finger of blame at external circumstances. Instead, we are being called to adjust our lens and take an "inner deep dive" to see how we have been the biggest "blockage" in our own lives.

We've got the 5 of Wands in reverse and the 10 of Wands as our bridge.  Many of you are finally moving out of this mental conflict that you have been in, the constant back and forth of self-sabotaging.  You're now realizing the power of your thoughts and how that power is reflected into your reality.  For many of you this meant realizing that all the things you had been "carrying" weren't exactly yours.  You had adopted the thought patterns and beliefs of others and your soul, your inner knowing fought back against it creating that temporary state of conflict. Forcing you to realize that if you "attach" to something you can also "detach" from it as well. You've taken action with this new awareness and delved deeper into your shadow work.  You're realizing that you have adopted wounds along that way that weren't necessarily yours.  You were trying to heal in ways that at times caused you so much frustration that you even questioned if you were doing things "right". Which then triggered a shift, where your focus became outside of yourself and onto trying to "fix" others and things you had no control over. But now you're starting to get it, healers heal themselves and lead by example, they understand that healing is an individual choice and not one that can be forced. And how you choose to heal is up to you!

The 5 of Swords in Reverse, the 8 of Wands and the 8 of Swords in Reverse here ushered in a "catapult" of energy.  For some of you it may have seemed like you just woke up "different" one day and things just started to "click".  You chose to stop fighting yourself, you stopped being your own worst enemy.  You're no longer blaming others but instead you've gained the clarity to see how they were actually catalysts for your own personal growth.  You're moving out of that second guessing, negative shit talking narrative and finally breaking free from deep seated patterns in your life.  You're embracing the "towers" in your life rather than fighting against them as you now see that they are instrumental in clearing your path.

Harness the energy following this Pisces New Moon to really connect with your heart space.  Take time to sit with yourself and accept all the pieces and parts of.  Move out of running from your emotions and instead harness the power of alchemy and transform the energy from them to create the life you want.  Now is the time to continue this forward movement in your life by continuing to take the risks and leaps of faith to really do things differently and create the life you've been longing for.  Things no longer happen to you, but for you...we are no longer speaking defeat but rather life into ourselves.

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