This week's tarot reading was thrown with “The Green Witch Tarot Deck”. This week is full of abundance strength, power, growth, and Magic. Everything that you have worked for is coming into fruition, your abundance is bursting. If you think back to where you were and how far you have come you will see that everything is working in your favor.
All the things that you have asked for, and that you have worked towards are in full Bloom. You have gained or are gaining financial stability and growth. Your balanced masculine is showing up for you letting you know you are protected and divinely guided in this next stage of your life. Everything around you is in harmony. Your team is ready to help you through your next steps, whether that is in your healing journey or maybe even that job change you have been wanting to make. Time to make those decisions that you have been holding back on. Whatever it is they are telling you it is time, and they are here for you.
Not only is your masculine energy ready, so is your feminine energy. Mother Earth is here to let us know that all your growth and abundance is overflowing. Everything that you have been manifesting is ready to be fulfilled. Those new ideas or new path you have been wanting to take, now is the time, it is time to plant those new seeds in your life. She reminds us to focus on only things you can control and nothing outside of you. To only tend your flock and pour into your cup. This is your new season of rebirth. Your harvest will be plentiful in the end.
You are also being called to bring out that magic of your inner child. What were your dreams when you were young? Are they still the same? They are asking you to step out and try something new. You hold the power in your wand to do anything you set your mind too. Now is the time you are growing financially and spiritually, so you have the power to create. This can be anything from finding a new hobby or even starting that business, maybe going back to school. Whatever it is for you it doesn’t have to be something huge, but this is your moment. You are well protected and guided. With your masculine and feminine energies balanced and all the abundance coming in, it is time to break out of that shell and spring into something new.