This week's mini tarot card reading was channeled without cards, but pulled for confirmation after the fact, using the Yes/No deck, because we all know many like to see the cards. First of all, congratulations, not often does this collective stop to pat themselves on the back, so we are doing that right now. You've done it. It may not seem like much, but to Spirit it's a pretty big thing you've accomplished or have begun to accomplish. You have really put in some hard work, when it comes to yourself!
Your tower came in hard and hit you right in the chest! Heart Chakras and Root Chakras were shook hard. That's when everything changed for you, right before this week began! You had to come face to face with yourself and all the areas on your life where you were consciously and subconsciously self- sabotaging your life, your work, your relationships, and your manifestations. It was difficult, and for many your self-sabotage came in the form of self-sacrifice, which when traced, has ties and links to your childhood and your up bringing that you were blissfully unaware of. This was a big upheaval to your current perspective on you and your healing/ spiritual journey thus far. This was the raw part of your deep dive, your self-evaluation that had to occur for you to move forward. I am not surprised one bit as we move into the Full Moon that these gut-wrenching truths had to become fully illuminated for you to continue forward. And as hard as it may have seemed, this was actually a good sign. This was actually a cause for celebration, as the pain of this discovery has ushered in a deeper purer connection, not only with self, but Source/God/Spirit/Universe.
One of the trickiest things that you have ever come up against was yourself and your deep-rooted fears, worries, and anxieties that you've battled, not only from the past, but the ones you unknowingly were projecting onto the future. And before you say, "I'm not afraid of anything", pause and change your perspective. What has been causing you to hesitate? Chances are there's an underlying worry or fear associated with that very thing. The continued digging up and releasing of these "obstacles" has cleared the path for your week ahead. You are full steam ahead this week and your blessing, new passionate beginnings, and creative spark leads the way.
Although, a good amount of peace, inner balance, and safety has been cultivated, and on its way to being mastered, Spirit says you aren't out of the woods yet. Even though you may be handling the Full Moon well, doesn't mean everyone is. This week you are being cautioned to remain neutral and in the seat of the observer. People will reach out to you and attempt to spin a tale of woe and victim-ship, in order to, get back in your good graces. Don't pay attention to what they are saying, Spirit is calling you to read the energy behind what they are saying. Discern wisely! Your team is on high alert this week as you transition through more growth, they do not want you distracted from further progress. You will find this week your throat chakra will be tested greatly. Both in order to speak your truth and bite your tongue. Again, use discernment! A warning has been issued to remain neutral, do not get swept into the chaos cycles of others this week. Truth is what they want you to see.
Your newfound freedom from fear will be tested as you watch the collective, who are not as "lucky" as you spiral into fear, chaos, and fear-mongering behavior over the next 2 or 3 weeks as the planetary alignments, collective shifts, and cosmic energies increase dramatically. Your goal is to remain unbothered, unphased, and undistracted. Your goal this week is you! Hold your boundaries. The collective will continue to rise with clarity at the helm going 1000%! Embody balance, recognize truth, and move accordingly. Your new fated and destined life awaits you, don't let anyone or anything get in the way this time. There has never been a better time for a personal revolution. This coming week, even extending into the next 2 weeks, I encourage my weavers to begin weaving their dream life into reality, given the easy access to creation energy, it has never been so easy! Remember you are limitless. Dream Big, Weave Big! Success and Good Things to Come for Those Who Innerstand The Assignment This Week!
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