This week's mini collective tarot reading was tossed using a new deck that I lovingly renamed the Sunshine Deck. You may have seen this deck once or twice in a video or on TikTok live. This toss is for the subsection of the collective that have been working hard on themselves, in every meaning of the word and with all of these 10s out on the table, it really shows. We start off strong with what you have been working on up until late. The team is talking about the collide of your air and your water elemental energy, which drove you right into a glow-up/ grow-up moment. You have been balancing your emotional triangle of self, hard last week. Spending this time with yourself has brought upon clarity at a fast pace. The two bridging cards are explained and expanded on within the next four upright cards, which is interesting and fun at the same time.
You were asked to set your racing thoughts free; you were asked to no longer entertain or contain what wasn't yours and what no longer concerned you in your mind. In the spirit of faith and following Source's lead, you embarked on the journey of a quiet mind and focus. Little did you know, the quiet mind allowed for space for your emotions to grow and flow freely. You truly learned the idea of putting something down that was comfortable, in order to, pick something new and slightly uncomfortable up. Another lesson learned. Your feelings were giving the room needed to flow. But would you follow where they were leading you? You learned through firsthand experience that your happiness was in the palms of your hands all along. Boom, this was your clarity at work. When it rushed in, it hit hard, but it also hit home.
Over the weekend a lot of people in the collective were making decisions, and you chose movement. Bags metaphorically packs, some potentially even physically packed with this knight of pentacles card out here, but where are we headed this week? The answer is further into balance within self. Part of the clarity that you found last week staring you in the face, was that imbalance was no longer an option. Trust in where you are being lead is what you will need this week. No matter how dark the road may seem, no matter how long, or slow paced you may feel you are "traveling", your team does not want you to give up. This week you may find yourself conflicted. Fighting yourself about your pace, your purpose, and all the whys behind your previous decision. The road to climbing that ladder of self takes time. The colors of the ten of pentacles card, it's bringing me right back to the chakra system and you busting through blockages and attempting to do the first step towards inner balance this week. Slow and steady wins the race.
This week is all about sitting in your newfound power. It's about the purposeful pause of self. Taking the time to grow, heal, and most importantly feel. Protected and unbothered is where they want you this week. In your bubble focused on nobody outside of yourself and your energy. What was once the flame of conflict has now ignited the flame of passionate connection within you. Moving you one step closer to the reconnecting of sacred and divine energies within you. We can see the chakra rainbow has continued from the pentacles, to the wands, ending up in the 2 of cups card. Just another nod at the ladder being climbed as we continue to journey forward. Eventually leading you to the ultimate balanced trust fall. With both the king of cups and the queen of cups combine you will eventually take your leap, with a wand in one hand and a crystal in the other, for when you reach that point in the road, you will know when and what to do. For you will be following your soul, without hesitation and without question.