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Mini Tarot Reading For The Week Of 5/27 - 6/2 (Tossed By Erika M.)

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, 7 of cups, 5 of swords, 3 of cups, knight of pentacles, page of wands, knight of swords, the fool, 8 of cups, collective, collective message, intuitive, intuition, intuitive message, channeled, channeled message, tarot, tarot cards, tarot deck, the light seer's tarot deck, sunshine deck, truth, clarity, action, balance
The Light Seer's Tarot Deck (AKA Sunshine Deck) (7 of Cups, 5 of Swords, 3 of cups, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Wands, Knight of Swords, The Fool, 8 of Cups)

This week's mini tarot reading was tossed using the Sunshine Deck, officially called the Light Seer's Tarot Deck. Right off the bat Spirit is talking about how you are slowly uncovering the best and most mystical parts of yourself. There are still quite a few things left shrouded in fog and mystery, that even you have forgotten what lies beneath the surface at times. The need and push for something more is stirring your desire to uncover your own personal truths. The recent past (i.e - the last month), has really proven to have taken a mental tole on your physical body. There has been no short of stressful situations and a continuous, it may seem, stream of minor headaches for you to deal with, almost keeping you distracted and on your toes. However, Spirit is saying most, if not all of them have worked themselves out. I'm seeing several winks right now. Makes me feel like your faith, trust, and inner balance was being tested.

Over the past month, you have truly had to embrace the release of burdens, stress, and overwhelming thoughts and emotions to your personal higher power. It's almost like admitting defeat, except without the downside; because this was more of a divine surrender, knowing that all would work out for the greatest highest good of you, regardless of what it may have looked like in the physical. This surrender, while it may seem small, is actually a cause for celebration as you move one step closer toward oneness, alignment, and inner harmony.

With a clear mind and now "more" balanced thoughts, you are being asked this week to act on your ambition. You have this week, several opportunities that you can grasp onto and run with, so to speak. This week you will potentially feel a vigor like no other to explore your dreams and passions forward in life. The mental clarity is merging with your passion and captivation for not only self-discovery, but the pure excitement and refreshing zest this week offers. Leading with your heart this week, driven by your fire, you embark on a new journey of self-exploration through action. Taking a chance and trusting where it leads you will ultimately mean you will have a few blind leaps of faith to do this week. But have no fear, that knight of pentacles is reminding you nothing needs to be rushed or hasty, and more important is that leading from the soul will feel more balanced than "thinking" your way through ever did. Spirit cautions you against mindless distractions this week, thus dulling and keeping you from your purpose.

The action you take this week is setting you up for success should you chose to move and feel from your heart and soul. Spirit is pulling to the ripple effect caused when you trust in not only yourself, but the Universe/God/Source/Spirit/Creator as well. If you find yourself met with fear from the past this week, face it. For Spirit is urging your freedom and peace lies on the other side of fear. I don't know who needs to hear this, this week, but choosing you isn't always a grand gestor, but a series of small choices that lay a path that leads you forward to your greatest truths.

Anyone Interested In The Light Seer's Tarot Deck, Click The Link Below:

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