(Photo Credit Erin M.)
This week's mini tarot read was thrown with the Starman Tarot. We start off with the "tower card" this week, I know I know, eye roll, I get it, everyone is sick of the towers and feeling like things are "falling apart", but my team is saying that pain is one of the most powerful catalysts for growth. For many numbing, stuffing, and running from pain has become an automated response and Spirit has said "enough is enough". You can't outrun this this time. You can change the faces and the spaces, but you can't outrun yourself in the end. The lessons keep coming back around, and each time they become more intense in hopes that you will come to accept what has been "not so hidden in plain sight" all this time. The "towers" keep coming one after another as Spirit/God/Universe (whatever your understanding is in that space), as you are no longer being allowed to "avoid" things in your life.
Which leads us into our next card, "the 9 of wands", which is calling you to free yourself from the destructive forces in your life, but first you must be willing to face the darkness, your shadow. You have been your own worst enemy, and in order to reclaim your power, it requires you to reintegrate all pieces and parts of you that you have buried and hid from the world. It's time to remove the masks you've created throughout your life. For those that are willing, it's time to "shine the spotlight of awareness" on yourself, to dive deep into the subconscious and bring light to the rawest most vulnerable parts of yourself. This is how you free yourself once and for all from the self-imposed mental prison you've been in for far too long.
My team is saying "the fog is being lifted" now that you are willing to accept responsibility for the part you play in things in your own life, which is represented by our next card, "the Ace of Swords". This new perspective, this newfound clarity has you transitioning and moving past judgement, deflection, and blame. You're now open to seeing things from different perspectives as you begin to understand and truly innerstand more about the liberating power of being in the seat of the observer.
This transition has brought you into a whole new state of "being" as you have harnessed truly surrendering and letting go. "The High Priestess" here represents the "shedding of the old you". She calls on you to pause momentarily and "reacclimate yourself". Allow yourself to take in everything around with the new lens you have gained. Allow yourself the time for the wisdom and knowledge you have gained to ripple out into your external world. You are being called to trust your intuition and "feel your way" through life from this point forward.
When we move into the "new" or "into the unknown" as I like to call it, fear tends to try to rear its ugly head. "The Strength card" here is calling on you to face your fears head on, do the things that scare you, take the leaps of faith and don't allow fear to have any control over you anymore. You're being called specifically to change the way you speak to yourself, to no longer self-sabotage with your words, to move out of a "lack mindset" or specifically an "undeserving" mindset. This again is a transition point, out of fear, and into faith, my team is saying "blind faith". You've always had everything you ever needed to make it through each phase of your life, at this phase will be no different.
This brings us to the final card in our spread for this week, "the Empress". She is here with the inviting energy that "the door is open" and reminds you that it always has been. This is a period of rebirth of creation, as you have shed your skin, left behind the "old ways" of doing things. You are no longer confined to the "runner" mentality you had for so long. The energy of the Empress is saying it's time to take action, it's time to back up all that you have been saying. Around here we call it "put up or shut up season". This is where you step into your creative life force energy, and when your words and actions meet, you realize your dreams, your manifestations, really can come true. Walk through the door!
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