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No Judgement: The Ultimate Assignment

Updated: May 10, 2024

no judgement, judgement, balance, ego, help, asssistance, spiritual, spirituality, helping others, grace, compassion, innerstanding, love, boundaries
Judges Gavel

Often when we think about spirituality, we think esoteric knowledge, we think ancient scriptures, we think magic and tarot cards, but one of the most important assignments you will encounter in spirituality is showing grace, love, and compassion. All three of these elements are needed to form the triangle of innerstanding that encompass the simple words "no judgement". Some may choose to justify their behavior or actions under the guise of justice or karma, but many know that this isn't the case. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. If you are focused on getting your licks, then you aren't "healed". When you reach the level of no judgement you have achieved a level of balance that is simply "un-fuck-able with".

In order to not judge you have to come to terms with your past. To have unpacked your past enough that nothing or nobody holds an automatic energetic response from you. You can remain in the seat of the observer and be aware enough to remain separate and not allow what others say or do to not effect or infect your energy. This is not a state of numbness, this is not a state of never feeling anger, sadness, or frustration, this is not a state of lack, but wholeness. This is not just you gaining back control, but you're no longer being a part of someone else's cycle. This is, in a way, your energetic boundary. You have to release the notion of projecting into the future worries or fears. To not judge you have to be rooted in the present fully, but stable enough within self that no outside energy can move your mountain.

Once you are rooted and stable, you are truly able to separate yourself and show grace. You can master this, because it is no longer personal. You are not the cause, nor the problem and you get to watch from a 3rd party neutral perspective. Because no matter what someone does or says it cannot unroot you. This is a beautiful place to be. This is the seat at which you get to show grace. You can empathize with someone, because you can see yourself in them, at one point on your own journey. You can show innerstanding for what they may feel or express. This is also where compassion comes into play. However, at no point did you have to sacrifice yourself to show no judgement. This is key, you are not phased, you are not triggered, but should someone ask, you may choose to help or assist.

For whatever reason, my team felt it was necessary to speak on the art of not judging. It may be due to the collective energy right now or possibly the energy going into the end of April, but as people come back into your life or reach back out. While not everyone is asking for help or assistance, and it's not anybody's job to sacrifice themselves to save anyone else, you may be given an opportunity to help someone next to you. So, if someone, chose "wrong" or "differently" in your mind previously, and comes back asking for help or needs an ear, just keep in mind, you were once this person. You were once asking for help. You were once lost or uncertain. You were once searching for answers to many questions. You were once in a lower frequency or level than you currently sit now. Never count anyone out. The underdog has the ability to rise to the occasion and surprise everyone this season. When the underdog comes up and asks for help cause they begin to see clearly, the assignment is no judgement and a helping hand in whatever way you can, without sacrificing yourself, your boundaries, or your beliefs.

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