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Nothing Gets to Affect You Without Your Permission

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, statue in darkness with light shining behind head, spiritual, spirituality, budha
Illuminated, solid, and unshakeable

With the energy moving through currently and shadows getting triggered and getting loud throughout a portion of the collective, this is your reminder that nothing gets to affect you without your permission.

Our belief systems play a very critical role in our experiences here, they are filtered through our brains and then create and influence how we perceive our experiences in our individual realities. They become a "map" for which we have experiences, neither good nor bad, just experience from a certain energetic vibration. However, it is important to remember that our individual belief systems do not define nor dictate someone else, nor do we have the ability to change someone else (no matter how hard one tries). What you choose to project onto others will always be a reflection of your energy, your definitions, and your beliefs. The ways you choose to react will always be a reflection of your energy...and vice versa.  The same way you may not agree to the expectations or belief systems of others, they in turn don't necessarily agree to yours. 


If you find yourself triggered right now, if you feel your shadow getting "loud" or find yourself irritated by those around you or certain situations, your shadow or your subconscious mind is asking for your attention.  It's asking you to pause, to slow down and look at where you need to detach from certain belief systems in your current reality so that you can begin to create different opportunities and experiences for yourself.  Spend time really listening and observing, and don't let the egoic mind convince you to hold on to what no longer serves you.

The conditioning of the egoic mind is twofold, it is conditioned by the "past" and content and structure.  The content we often identify with is conditioned by our environment, our upbringing and our surrounding culture, or what we choose to align and "identify" with. It is the egoic mind that unconsciously seeks to identify one's sense of self through external variables, whether that be material items, occupations, relationships/friendships, religious/spiritual beliefs etc.  But in a quest to attempt to identify, it is actually separating, labeling, and compartmentalizing.  It shifts us into a perspective of seeing ourselves as separate from the energy that we are creating these experiences from.  It creates that thought process of "why is this happening to me?"  One of my favorite quotes by Eckhart Tolle is "I try to find myself in things but never quite make it and end up losing myself in them. That is the fate of the ego" How many of us can relate to feeling that way or "identifying" with that way of thinking or "conditioning" at some point in our lives?

Now more than ever, don't get "lost" trying to find yourself in situations, people, wounds, and energy that no longer align with you.  Don't allow things to "take up space" in your life or rent space for free in your mind, that you've outgrown. The choice is simple, but our humanness likes to over complicate either resonate with it or you don't...if you don't simply release it...nothing more nothing less. And again, remember, NOTHING gets to affect you without YOUR permission.

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