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Opening New Roads Leading Up To The Summer Solstice- "Road Opener Candle Magik"

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

The summer solstice is quickly approaching on June 21 and it marks the heart of summer. This solstice brings with it not only the longest period of daylight, but also the shortest night of the year. This is truly a time for new beginnings and gives us a chance to really focus on bringing balance to our lives over the next 3 months, before we transition into the Autumn Equinox. For those who don't know, the Autumn Equinox is one of the two times of the year where day-time and night-time are equally balanced. We've all heard the saying, as within so without, in this token, the daylight represents our "light" while the night represents our "shadows". In order to bring divine order in those spaces we must achieve our inner balance between the two "opposing" forces of ourselves. This sun is positioned at the center of your "wheel" (meaning your divine wheel of destiny/fortune in tarot) and its power is ready to be utilized, in order to shine light into those darker spaces of ourselves, that we haven't fully acknowledged yet. It's important to remember that all these pieces of ourselves have something to teach us! It's only when we are willing to walk into those dark spaces and truly show gratitude to those versions of ourselves, that we truly realize that we are the keeper of the scales in our own lives. Meaning we hold the balance and judgement of our own divine souls. The journey to achieving balance truly starts from within ourselves and only once we do the work inward will we truly see it reflected outside of ourselves.

This summer solstice also brings with it the element of fire, so what a prime time for some candle magic with a Road Opener. Don't let the preconceived notions of what "magic" means scare you away. The art of candle magic calls on one to incorporate color representations, elements (like herbs, crystals, and sigils) along with deeply rooted intention into their practices to achieve an intended outcome. A Road Opener is considered a type of "intention candle" under the umbrella of candle magic. This type of intention candle is specifically used to clear your pathway, bring clarity to a situation, and help remove obstacles in your way that are hindering you from moving forward. It is designed to ultimately assist you in bringing in the balance you intend by opening doorways or pathways to your highest good(timeline, self, or purpose) in a way that is so blatantly obvious you can not miss them.

Traditionally when you look at Road Opener candles from, let's say, a Hoodoo or another structured practice's perspective it is often times the belief that you are setting up this candle, in order to, ask for assistance from your team, angels, and ancestors to remove obstacles that you feel are out of your control. However, personally for myself, I believe that we only hold control over ourselves and our own actions. That being said, it is my belief that the idea of our obstacles being outside of our control is the illusion of a perspective we hold ourselves to. So, in my own personal candle magic space, I lead with the intention of asking for the clarity I need; to be able to see things from the highest perspective. I ask to be seated as an observer, in order to see all roads open to me, while empowering me with the strength to overcome any obstacles in my path, while I navigate my journey to becoming the best and "highest" version of myself. In doing so, this creates a space of reflection for places, spaces, people and constructs(both mental & societal) that may be creating energetic road blocks which will lead me to a personal call to action for myself. When you gain the clarity and perspective to look at things in your life without energetic attachments, you are left with nothing but facts and truth staring back at you. This candle work eliminates the fog on your pathways allowing you to see everything clearly without hesitation, which in turn, allows for your team to "light and clear" the best pathway or route for you to take on your journey. You will be called to make choices in regards to what serves your highest good and that may mean letting go of or removing those things or people that are keeping you stuck and in stagnation. Sometimes after a good candle burn these problems and people will often see themselves out as you grow.

Common Reasons one would seek to utilize a Road Opener Candle (including but not limited to) :

  • Clears the path to your highest good (highest timeline)

  • Starting a new project or endeavor

  • Bring in opportunities

  • Assist in manifestations

  • Overcome obstacles (because the struggle is real sometimes)

  • Breakthrough challenges

For anyone Looking for a powerful Handmade Road Opener Oil we have a link listed below:

For anyone looking for a handcrafted, blessed, reliably-sourced, organic Road Opener Herb Blend, please see link below:

For anyone looking for a complete step-by-step Handmade kit to practicing candle intentions through the use of a Road Opener, we have a link listed below:

Intuitive Tarot Message for the Week of June 5th-11th:

(Tossed & Channeled by Erin M.)

3 card mini pull Map Oracle Deck

(Photo Credit Erin M.- Oracle Card Toss)

You are in a time of profound change but right now you are experiencing what I see and hear as a "boomerang moment." The first card in this spread is the Sacred Pool Card. "What you cast upon the water will return tenfold". Simply put, what you put out into the world will multiply and come back to you. As you look at your reflection in your sacred pool, do you like what you see looking back at you? What version of yourself are you giving power to? The Sacred Pool card is also #11 in this deck, which 11 broken down to its digital root is the number 2. The number 2 is about balance and understanding and it represents power and grace. You are being asked to look within and take a detached look at yourself to reflect. Do you see how far you've come? What changes do you need to make to continue to move forward along your path? Are the things you are giving your energy to coming full circle and giving you the "return" in your life that you've been wanting?

This moves us into the next card in our spread, the Magical Mapshifter. This is an empowering "mission card". As we've moved through the Sacred Pool and really taken a look at what we need to change from within by examining who we truly are, the Magical Mapshifter is calling on you to take inventory specifically of the people who come into your life and the impact that they have. Everyone that comes into your life is a "change agent". They are catalysts for potential growth as they all bring a lesson. It's only when you take a step back and truly take your seat as the observer and are willing to view things from an honest and raw perspective that you realize you are the MASTER change agent in your life. Every choice you make in regards to those you keep around you impacts your growth and facilitates movement along your path. This card is #52 in the deck, which in its digital root is 7. 7 represents the seeker or someone who searches for truth and the deeper meaning. It also signifies wholeness both physically and spiritually.

This now transitions us into the last card of our Enchanted Map Oracle Spread, the Metamorphosis card, which really bridges the other 2 cards. This reaffirms that you are in the process of profound change. The butterflies in the artwork reminds us of the great journey it went on to gain its wings. Change is not easy, sometimes it is painful and we have to let go of past places, spaces and people in order to transform into our highest good. The #25 on this card mirrors #52 on the previous card. As the ultimate seeker of truth in your life, you've gained the deeper perspective that you and only you have the power to be the driving force of change and transformation in your life. It's time to remove the perceived obstacles standing in your way, open your wings, and fly.

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