We have our 3rd (out of 4) eclipses this year right around the corner on September 17, 2024. Eclipses are known to bring "shake ups", surprises, and plot twists; as well as, intense emotions. This one in particular is taking place along the Pisces/Virgo axis and will have a ripple for quite a long time. So, what do we need to know about this Pisces Lunar Eclipse energy?
Lunar eclipses are known for their intense emotions and for the "endings" to things in life they tend to usher in. This one is heavy on the no longer "forcing" things in our lives and for many it will bring any "runner" or "escapism" energy to a halt and try to "force our hand" into confronting the hard truths in our lives.
The energy is calling on us to take a deeper look at what's right in front of us, our relationships, our habits, our behaviors, and reflect on how they are impacting our mental and emotional well-being. There's no more "numbing" our feelings or dodging reality. This is a LOUD call out on how honest are you being with yourself. Where have you been pretending to be ok with things in your life? Where have you been downplaying things because you've convinced yourself "someone has it worse". Where are we seeing patterns repeat in our interpersonal relationships that don't necessarily make us feel good? Where are you not able to "be yourself"?
This eclipse energy will also be asking us to take a look at our creativity, our dreams, and desires. Calling us even deeper into choosing what truly aligns for our soul. Many people are already feeling the start of this internal shift, where you can feel your soul trying to lead you in different directions in your life. Where have you been holding yourself back? What dreams have you placed on the "back burner"? Where are you still "playing it safe"?
I can't emphasize enough that this energy is rooted in the ability to be brutally honest with yourself. No more sugar coating, no more pretending, no more rose-colored glasses, no more disillusionment. Where do you need to take ownership in your life? Where have you been avoiding accountability and blaming things outside of yourself?
Buckle up friends, this energy is powerful, it's expansive and it's an amazing time to really redefine things in your life. Pause, reflect, don't resist the waves of emotions. Allow the revelations and clarity to hit, trust what you're being shown, stop discrediting your intuition and make the moves you've been avoiding.