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Redefining/ Defining: Divine Purpose

Child_Of_Balance, Childofbalance, redifining words, definitions, spiritual, spirituality, collective, destiny, divine purpose, clarity, healing, healing journey, authenticity, authentic, home, truth, self-discovery, self acceptance, self love,
Hints From Heaven

Everyone you meet at one point or another on this spiritual journey is often after one thing. Their true divine purpose. Many will look to others for this answer as to what it could be, thinking that somehow it has been lost outside of themselves. The Universe/ God/ Great Spirit/ Source/ Creator hasn't placed it far away to be some task, job, or career you must achieve or complete. The truth couldn't be furthest from it. It has been placed at our center, so we would scourer the Heavens and Earth searching for it, only to find that we landed on this planet already in possession of what we were seeking. "What we seek is also seeking us". And what a place to have hidden it. The last place we look when all else fails, but the first thing we overlook when we eagerly set out. Your divine purpose will never be material things, titles, or recognition. For it to be divine in nature it drives you closer to "HOME", closer to Source (whatever that may mean for you personally). And Divine Nature is far from egoic thinking and mediocre comparison games. Source is quite large and quite uninterested in the "Materialistic Games Of Men" (as my team always puts it), but "he" is very interested in you. Not who you pretend to be. Not who this life experience and circumstance has molded you to be. Not who is acceptable by society's standards. Not who is "normal" or "ordinary", but rather the extraordinary soul you were intended to be. It would be my great pleasure to share the explanation I was given by my wonderful team for Divine Purpose that changed my perspective on everything! LITTERALY EVERYTHING!

Divine Purpose: "Your Purpose is not separate from you. Your purpose is YOU! Your purpose is the action behind you being you. Your purpose is the physical action, the ripple effect that occurs when you continue to walk through the world being YOU!"

For you are never more imperfectly perfect than when you walk through the world as you were intended to, authentically and unapologetically you. For you vibrating in a frequency that which has been intended, you "fit" into the greater divine order. You, sitting in divine order, interconnected to all things, humbly valuing your role as part of the whole (not any greater or lesser than that which is next to you), is the purpose. You wish to find your purpose...... than it's time to find YOU!

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