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Redefining Words: Feelings Verse Emotions

Often in the spiritual community we will hear people say common words like "Feelings and Emotions" especially when it comes to shadow work and energy discernment as a whole. Not many people break it down to bare bones and talk about the difference between true feelings verse emotions.

We've broken down the definitions of each common word and redefined them for a more practical spiritual sense that we find aids the user during their journeys.

Feelings: A deep seated energy created within the body that is original and organic to the individual.

Examples: "a sensation arising from your gut or stomach", "your ear ringing", "hair standing on end", "physical chills"

Emotions: Energy in motion that often comes into contact with our energetic field thus creating an energetic response within our auric field. Often times we describe this vibrational energy a label. This could be primary or secondary to the individual.

**It is not uncommon for Energy in Motions to be mislabeled as a feeling once it comes in contact with our auric field and elicits a "feeling" from our vessel. This is often where you hear people "claiming" an emotion that isn't truly theirs, because it isn't original to the energy inside the vessel.**

Examples: "Sadness", "Anger", "Anxiety"

It is important to note, that while these two are separate, they work often in tandem. They both offer the vessel and individual clues and hints to where healing needs work, balance occurs, and points to what's going on within your surroundings.

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