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Retrograde Season: A Time of Powerful Inward Revolution

There's been lots of talk about many celestial bodies being in retrograde lately, so what is retrograde really all about. The term retrograde comes from the Latin word retrogradus which literally means “backwards step”. Retrograde is all about the spin of energy turning deeply inward, “reversing” our perceptions, and looking at things as “they are”, not just how we “want” them to be. This is a time of being receptive and open to what resonates as truth in our lives. Taking a deep dive into a reflective state and clearing out things that no longer serve us. It may feel like time is “looping”, as you are being called to really take an inventory in many aspects of your life. Think of retrogrades as “tests for our growth” and taking everything that you’ve learned thus far and really applying it to all areas of your life. This is an opportunity to look at things through a clearer lens, should one be up to the task.

We currently have 6 planets in retrograde, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. On Sept 4th Jupiter will join for a total of 7. So let’s take a look at what these luminaries in the sky are calling us to take a look at:

  • Mercury rules our expression and communication and is asking us to “think before we speak.” What methods of communicating are no longer working for us? Are we taking the time to pause and find a path of clear communication or are we always on the “defense” and taking a reactive approach.

  • Venus is testing us in our relationship spaces and is asking us to take a deep look at the people that we have in our lives. Are they helping us align with our highest selves? Are you getting what you need out of the relationships in your life? Is there a healthy balance in our relationships or is one side more give than take? We are also being asked to take a look at how we love and care for ourselves. What boundaries do you need to be setting with yourself and with others?

  • Saturn is calling on us to look at the foundations and structure that we have laid in our lives. We are being asked to re-evaluate through a more realistic lens, which requires us to confront emotional baggage, that we have been holding on to and to move out of situations that no longer benefit our growth. What intentional action are you taking in your life to create stability and the life that you want and desire? What areas do you need to reevaluate and reorganize in your life? Do you have ideas that need a little “reworking” in order to bring them to life? This is a time to really take a look at your shadow self, heal, and learn from what hasn’t worked in the past and decide what changes you need to make moving forward to create a stable, solid, and peaceful foundation.

  • Pluto being representative of death, rebirth, and regeneration is asking us to reclaim every aspect of yourself, but is asking you to focus on addressing your inner shadows. This is a call to address your toxic and self-destructive patterns, emotional wounds that lead to power struggles, control issues, and even secrets in your life. The “phoenix rising” represents Pluto and the ideal of burning down what no longer serves you. This is a time of taking inventory and action in your life to facilitate healing and self-empowerment. You are being called to transform and evolve.

  • Neptune is considered the planet of inspiration, illusion, dreams, spirituality, and self-deception. During retrograde, we are being asked to look beyond the ideals of things and “take off the rose colored glasses” and view things through a clear lens. This is a time to be trusting your intuition and paying attention to that inner voice as it stands to be a facilitator for growth in your 3rd eye chakra. We are also asked to release emotional wounds and face our shadows to uncover deception in our lives. How have you been deceiving yourself or others? What ways of thinking or behavior are standing in your way from being your most authentic self? You are being called to become a “Master of Illusion” and remove the barriers/veils in your own life that are standing in your way, by trusting your gut and operating from a space of letting your intuition guide you.

  • Uranus asks to take the revolution inwards and be the change that we wish to see. It asks you to take time to reflect on certain areas we try to control too much. Asking us to take a more adaptable “go with the flow” approach. There will always be unexpected shifts throughout our lives and things that we can’t control, but it's only when we “double down” trying and resist releasing those things that we find ourselves feeling more “stuck”. We are being called to really face our fears, but first that means getting real and raw with ourselves about what those fears truly are. As we move through that space we are able to set new aspirations and goals for ourselves and back them with actions, we were once afraid to take due to those self-limiting fear constructs and beliefs.

  • Jupiter calls on us to align with our “true north”, our inner compass. It rules higher learning, the abstract mind, truth, and expansive consciousness. This is a time of deep inner work and discovering your true potential. It has the ability to bring some clashes of ego with it, as we take our own personal “stands” in many areas of our lives. As we deconstruct and reflect on narratives and paradigms that have been limiting or standing in our way, as we strive to reach a higher consciousness and connect with our highest selves. We are being called to get very clear about exactly what we want to achieve in our lives, revisiting the knowledge and wisdom we have gained thus far on our journeys. We decide how we are going to take action and apply these things, in order to, inspire and motivate us to align with what we desire in our lives.

Retrogrades are all about that “inward revolution”. Make sure that you are taking the time to slow down, pause, and reflect in all these areas of your life. Doing this work and making the changes, thus essentially allows you to be the change you wish to see in the world, will only propel you forward in your growth and your own individual journey. Surrender to letting go of what no longer serves you, so that you are able to make room for all the things you want to come into your life. All the doors in front of you are open and just waiting for you to walk through them.

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