We all feel stuck on our path from time to time and feel like we're "missing something". More often than not it's not that we are missing anything, it's that we need to adjust our lens. So how exactly do we begin to "adjust our lens"?
Our thoughts, the way we speak to ourselves and the belief systems that we choose to carry ultimately create our reality. When we find the courage to embark on our own individual spiritual journeys, many of us find ourselves immersed in shadow work confronting the aspects of self that we have repressed and rejected for long periods of our life, thus leading to entire shake ups within our individual paradigms. We begin ripping off "band-aids", in hopes to achieve an awareness of what it is we think we are trying to "fix". The first shift in our lens comes from realizing we aren't broken, and we don't need "fixed". We aren't victims of circumstance; we are experiencers of life. Yes, awareness is a crucial step in the healing journey, but awareness without action is pointless. You can understand why you have done something or tolerated something in your life, but if you aren't going to implement changes what have you gained from this newfound awareness.
This journey requires us to let go of the narratives that we have long told ourselves that keep us in what many refer to as "victim consciousness". What I feel is so important to remember is that our traumas and our wounds are simply experiences that we have endured in our lives. They have the potential to be catalysts for our growth, as is every single person we encounter along our paths. These types of experiences are not meant to become chains of bondage that we carry with us for a lifetime, but a harsh truth is many like these pieces of their story, and as such find themselves repeating circumstances, events and interactions they've had to others over and over and over again. This type of behavior keeps us from truly being present in the current moments in our lives as we are too consumed with the past or worrying about the future. When we take a look at that from an energetic standpoint, living in the past and worrying about the future tends to keep us in denser, lower-level energy, and at times we can inadvertently be creating our own version of "hell on earth". So how do you "exit the loop"? You have to own YOUR part and YOUR part only. You have to learn to acknowledge your emotions, experience them, and move through them. Allow yourself to "feel your way" through life.
Don't get too attached to the "labels" out there. Often people get caught up in labels like karmics, narcissists, and abusers. These labels tend to describe patterns of behavior and despite the behavior the simple truth is that all people serve as our teachers. We encounter them at times in our lives to show us things about ourselves. How long we choose to stay in those spaces before we have experienced enough, is up to us. In no way shape or form am I saying that we "deserve" to experience trauma, abuse, etc., what I'm saying is pause for a minute, grab a seat up in the "nosebleed seats" and allow yourself to take a broader perspective. What did you learn in this situation in regards to self? Did you learn how to establish boundaries, to show yourself love, was it a lesson rooted in self-worth? Every experience is tied to a bigger lesson which helps us to expand and evolve our consciousness, should we choose. For those that are struggling to get out of the negative loops of thought, ask yourself, can you change what has happened? How does replaying it over and over again serve your growth? Pain is often one of the greatest facilitators of growth and rather than sitting and pouring salt in an open wound, try shifting into a space of awareness. What did this teach me and what actions can I now take to no longer allow this to repeat in my life. Wounds will begin to heal should you take the actions to allow it.
Do you believe that you have the ability to manifest anything you want into your life? If you said yes, this puts you in the driver's seat, you hold the reins to your chariot. So, I ask you, are things happening to you or are things happening for you? Are you here to be the main character in your story or are you standing by on the sidelines of life allowing the actions, feelings, thoughts, etc, of others to dictate the next move you are going to make? You are the alchemist in your life. You possess all the tools at all times to transform your life and "adjust your lens" but the lens in which you view is impacted directly by the things you tell yourself and the narratives and beliefs that you choose to hold on to. You and only you, choose what you are rooted in.