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Spiritual Home Protection: In The Form Of A Sachet/ Charm Bag!?

Sachet Bags, Charm bags, herbs, protection, magic, magik, metaphysical protection, spiritual protection, spells, herbal magic, intention magic, traditional magic, beginner spells, herb bags
Sachet Bags / Charm Bags (A Useful & Easy Spiritual Practice)

Home protection has never seemed so easy. Now I'm not saying to ditch your 2nd Amendments rights or anything, but definitely when it comes to energy and spiritual realms, sachets all the way! Historically, many spiritual traditions and cultures have utilized rituals, Gods, Deities, and magic in crafting small bags packed full of charms, herbs, stones, crystals, and amulets to assist the user for multiple different reasons. One of the closest cultural similarities to the charm/ sachet bags of today are often utilized by Haitian Vodou, Louisiana Vodou, Hoodoo, and even come practitioners of Conjure. It had even found its way into Latin American folk magic including Santeria and potentially other practices. This is known as a Gris-Gris, Mojo bag, Mojo Hand, Conjure bag, or just simply Mojo. Make no mistake, amulets, charms, and warding bags have been used by several cultures throughout the time of human existence, including the Chinese, Egyptian, Japanese, Daoism, and other Middle Eastern Cultures.

Now, what makes up a simple modern sachet bag? Well, typically a charm or sachet bag contains not only the practitioner's intention & energy, but it is usually paired with herbs that align their metaphysical properties and uses with the purpose of the bag, small charms, symbols, along with crystals and stones. Some choose to add bones, small animal symbols, or warding sigils to assist in amplifying their bags intended purpose. The choice of the contents is completely up to each practitioner and the bags intended use. So, it's a great easy way for most to begin working with their energy and intention. Below is a potent, but beginner friendly, home protection sachet bag. This bag can be placed over the front doorway and the back door of your home to help protect it energetically.

Protection Sachet/ Charm Bag Recipe:

~1 Small Sachet Bag (Black Preferred, or Red)

~ Sprig of Rosemary

~ Bay Leaf

~ High John The Conqueror

~Ash &/or Cedar





~Black Tourmaline


~Black Obsidian

~Smokey Quartz

~Red Jasper


The above is a simple list of ingredients, I tend to amplify everything I do with intention, energy, and sigils for funzies. Remember to cleanse all your tools and items before starting. I turn the draw string sachet bag inside out and draw my protection sigil on the inside, all 4 directions (North, East, South, West), so your home is covered from all sides. This is optional and just one of the ways I customize what I do. Turn your bag right side in again, so you can't see your sigils, what people don't know doesn't hurt them, this is your magic, why give others a leg up on what you do. While adding the rest of the ingredients slowly, I focus my energy and intention on home protection, repelling negative energy, and entities, while still allowing abundance, prosperity, and stability to flourish. Once everything is in the bag, I mix everything together and focus a lot of energy into a "breath of life" phrase. Then I speak my intention directly into the bag with my breath, before closing it up. Even though I use draw string bags, I still wrap the top of the bag with the strings and form a knot. Remember to focus the entire time you work with your bag. And that's it! Your're all done!

Some choose to take an extra step and place their sachet bags on their alters or designated place or space to be blessed by your Team, Guides, God, Source, Creator, Great Spirit, Ancestors, and so on. Some place the bag next to their front door or back door. You can also hang it above the header frame if you so wish that way anyone who enters your home walks under it.

Remember this is your magic! This is your fun! This is your energy and intention! Do what works best and resonates for you at all times! Add, edit, and customize in whatever way you wish!

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